Barricade Shield Ash of War enhances the guard boost of your shield by an impressive 35, allowing you to block without taking any stamina damage. This feature is especially beneficial for heavy builds that depend on blocking in Elden Ring. However, keep in mind that the shield’s effect is time-limited, and you cannot reapply it instantly.
On the bright side, this skill allows for continuous blocking and gives you the opportunity to buff while you are blocking.
Location of Ash of War Barricade Shield

To acquire the Barricade Shield, head over to the Castle Morne Ramparts Site of Grace located in the southern part of Weeping Peninsula. Ensure to visit during nighttime in Elden Ring.
Once you’re at the site, seek out the Night’s Cavalry boss and defeat him to claim the shield as a reward.
Function of Barricade Shield in Elden Ring

Barricade Shield, as an Ash of War, is a non-chargeable weapon skill that costs 8 FP and has a standard skill type. Activating this skill reinforces your shield, enabling it to deflect critical attacks, with timing being a key element. Additionally, it decreases the stamina cost per block, allowing for extended blocking opportunities.
This skill provides 50% stamina protection for small and medium shields, while it offers only 30% protection for Greatshields.
Comparing Barricade Shield and Scholar’s Shield
The distinction between these two skills lies in their function and suitability for different builds. Barricade Shield offers 50% stamina protection with small and medium shields, while Greatshields receive only 30% protection. Conversely, Scholar’s Shield provides a lower buff of 35% stamina protection but lasts longer. Ultimately, the decision comes down to whether you prefer a shorter but stronger buff with Barricade Shield or a milder yet longer-lasting protection from Scholar’s Shield.
For Greatshields, however, Scholar’s Shield clearly stands out as the better choice since the 30% stamina protection from Barricade Shield does not hold significant value in that context.