A year after the publication of this article in August 2021, Microsoft announced the death of the Internet Explorer. Referring to this month, Internet Explorer won’t any longer be operable by a lot of the services provided by Microsoft, including; OneDrive, Office365, Outlook, and others, following a blog by Microsoft 365.
They are also serving support for the Internet Explorer in Teams since before; November 30th of the year 2020.
It means that the browser won’t get shut completely; we cannot say when Internet Explorer could be removed from Windows 10, and companies would still be able to use sites created especially for the browser. We should note here that the new Edge possesses the Internet Explorer 11 compatibility mode, which would help out those getting transited.
Goodbye Internet Explorer!

Not only the Internet Explorer, but Microsoft is also finishing the existence of Edge, the pre-Chome version. After the 9th of March, the orthodox Edge won’t be available to receive any security update. Till then, many users would get towards the new Edge. However, we should note here that if you are that kind of user that can pass throughout any way to prevent the updates.
In 1995, Microsoft developed a web browser and named it like IE. Initially, it was released as a part of the add-on package, and also, for Windows 95 in that year.
Internet-Explorer was to be the widely used web browser, reaching a peak of about 95% usage share until 2013. It appeared when Microsoft used bundling to gain the first web browser competition against the Netscape, which dominated the 1990s.
There is still time in seeing the browser to be called off completely. We are aware of the users who still utilize this old browser version as they are habitual of it, and many firms resist change.