The Twitter handle of The White House has unfollowed Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister, leaving the world in confusion.
White (WH) House’s twitter handle also unfollowed Prime Minister’s office, Indian Embassy in the US as well as Indian President Ram Nath Kovind’s Twitter account.
Their twitter account has been following world leaders and has 21 million followers.
This was the following of the twitter handle of WH before unfollowing Narendra Modi from twitter.

The last talk between the US and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was on the export of Hydroxychloroquine, which right now, the United States needs to fight the coronavirus in the country.
After India agreed on exporting the drug, Trump had also praised Modi for being “Really good“.
This is after WH’s twitter handle unfollowed Narendra Modi along with the President of India as well as the Indian embassy in the US.

Gaurav Pandhi, Congress’s party member for the social media cell also showed his concerns about this.
Another famous Indian leader, Rahul Gandhi, also urged to take notice of the action.
A member of the royal family of the United Arab Emirates, Princess Hend Al Qassimi, also took to media and raised voice against Indian violence against the Muslims.
She also said that she will continue to stand up against India until the violence against Muslims in India stops.
Ashok Swain questions the Indian Media being silent about US account unfollowing the PM.
The unfollowing comes after a day when USCIRF (United States Commission on International Religious Freedom) published a report and requested India to be blacklisted on the list of Religious freedom.
India is at the worst rating in religious freedom since 2004, the US is also looking for imposing sanctions on Indian government officials and politicians that caused the violence against the Muslims.
USCIRF openly criticized India for discriminating and fuelling violence against the Muslims living in India. India will face new sanctions as punishment for the violence against the Muslims in India.