In the dark universe of Warhammer 40k, most Space Marine Chapters are known for their courage, serving as valiant guardians of the Imperium while valiantly confronting the galaxy’s many threats. However, each Chapter has its own fighting style and principles. Some take a more practical approach, while others see their struggles as a testament to their faith in the Emperor.
The Space Wolves might initially appear as a chaotic, untamed Chapter. They are distinguished by their distinctive training techniques, vibrant culture, and unique aesthetics, setting them apart even among their power-armored counterparts. Yet, few are as fiercely loyal to the Imperium as the Space Wolves, and when battle begins, their ferocity is unmatched.
Reasons to Choose Space Wolves
With their emphasis on Norse mythology and Viking influences, The Space Wolves are renowned for their heroic sagas and their iconic rune-engraved Power Axes. On the battlefield, they excel as an elite force that thrives in close combat, focusing on striking back against their enemies while remaining flexible. They embody the Space Marine principle of “shooting enemies who wish to engage you, and charging those who are shooting at you,” amplified by a variety of unique units and formidable characters.
Army Regulations
Although Space Wolves can utilize the standard Space Marine Detachments—with the Stormlance Task Force being a popular choice—they also have two distinct options available: the Champions of Russ and the Champions of Fenris.
- The Champions of Russ is the more exclusive option, allowing only Space Wolves units. Tactical Squads, Assault Squads, Assault Squads with Jump Packs, Devastator Squads, Command Squads, or Apothecaries cannot be included.
- In contrast, the Champions of Fenris only restricts players from using units from other Chapters besides the Space Wolves.
Remember, you’ll still benefit from the general Space Marine army bonus “Oath of Moment,” along with the always advantageous Stratagem Armour of Contempt.
Key Units
If you’re planning to use the Champions of Russ Detachment, it’s essential to know what options you have to replace the forbidden units. Fortunately, the Space Wolves boast some of the most notable units in all of Space Marine lore, ranging from reliable Infantry to devastating mounted forces.
Legendary Heroes
What’s a saga without legendary characters at its core? Your Epic Heroes will shine in combat, and their unique abilities and auras help them stand out in the field.
Logan Grimnar |
Renowned as the King of Fenris, Logan lives up to his legend, taking down enemies, motivating his troops, and crafting new tales of valor. He can also charge into battle on his chariot, Stormbringer, enhancing his speed while sacrificing Deep Strike capabilities. If he’s on foot, you can provide him with a retinue of Terminators for added durability or surround him with Thunderwolves when mounted for maximum carnage. |
Arjac Rockfist |
A straightforward Terminator Hero, whose unit grows stronger with more casualties. He shuns firearms for a giant throwable hammer with Anti-Monster capabilities and the option to grant himself Precision as needed. He serves as a situational alternative to a Wolf Lord in Terminator Armor, though if points allow, you may prefer Logan Grimnar instead. |
Bjorn the Fell-Handed |
An ancient Dreadnought that won’t go quietly, Bjorn fits almost any Space Wolves army, especially the Champions of Russ. He inflicts serious damage at any range, halves incoming damage, and counts as a Character for Sagas. Choose a weapon to align with your strategy (like the Multi-Melta, Heavy Plasma Cannon, or Lascannon), and he will prove why his name is still feared across the stars. |
Canis Wolfborn |
If you enjoy wolves, Canis Wolfborn was raised by them, making him perfect for engulfing your foes in a wave of fur and fangs. He provides his attached unit of Fenrisian Wolves or Thunderwolves with Sustained Hits and a chance to inflict Mortal Wounds upon a successful charge, all at a lesser cost than a Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf. Compare the benefits of both options and choose based on your needs. |
Harald Deathwolf |
The man who saved Canis Wolfborn, Harald serves as a compelling alternative to a Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf. He enhances his unit’s Thunderwolves with Devastating Wounds and can negate a single attack against him once per turn, at a cost lower than a standard Wolf Lord. He’s an excellent candidate to deploy solo, capturing fragile objectives and pressuring your opponent’s sides while remaining hard to kill. |
Krom Dragongaze |
A budget-friendly option compared to a Space Marine Captain, Krom comes with a nice sword but weaker abilities. His unit benefits as member counts dwindle (similar to Arjac), and he can once a turn force an enemy unit nearby to take a Battle-shock test. These abilities can be quite situational. |
Lukas the Trickster |
A quirky leader for a quirky unit, Lukas can only join Blood Claws units, offering protection by penalizing foes trying to target them. Additionally, should he fall in close combat, there’s a chance he can take enemies down with him through a burst of Mortal Wounds, also causing instant Battle-shock. Though not overly powerful, he can be amusing. |
Murderfang |
A formidable melee-focused Dreadnought with the capacity to retaliate against anything that attacks him, Murderfang represents a straightforward enhancement over an ordinary Wulfen Dreadnought if you have spare points. However, due to his unique rules, he can never serve as your Warlord, so you’ll require another character for that purpose. |
Njal Stormcaller |
A defensive Librarian-equivalent who increases his squad’s resilience against hits and psychic attacks while wielding a set of weapons capable of demolishing swarms of weaker foes. If you anticipate facing Orks or Tyranids, Njal is a wise selection. |
Ragnar Blackmane |
This vicious Captain thrives on charging as often as possible, and his rules facilitate easier and more lethal charges. Ragnar excels in melee, especially when facing other Space Marines or similar multi-wound troops. |
Ulrik the Slayer |
The Space Wolves’ unique Chaplain provides valuable buffs to any brave warriors willing to follow him into combat. While he might not be as lethal as the other Epic Heroes in direct combat, Ulrik is especially valuable for transforming the affordable Blood Claws into a truly menacing force. |
Even with a cast of legendary figures leading your troops, there will be times you want to create your own narratives. Regular Space Wolves Characters are quite competent in melee, offering diverse options on how your army will engage in combat.
Cyberwolf |
While most Space Marine Chapters might not include a cybernetically enhanced animal as a ‘Character,’ the Space Wolves break that mold. Cyberwolves can only be assigned to units of Fenrisian Wolves, cannot capture objectives, do not acquire Enhancements, and are not eligible to be designated as your Warlord, making their utility somewhat limited. If you need Fenrisian Wolves to perform well, this may be a viable option. |
Iron Priest |
Responding to the Techmarine concept, Iron Priests can repair your vehicles while dealing damage to those who stray too close. They’re useful if you include a strong vehicle like Bjorn or Murderfang, differing mainly by what weaponry they carry—a Tempest Hammer intended for anti-tank rather than the Omnissian Power Axe and a Helfrost Pistol (which can double as a Flamer-equivalent) instead of a Grav-pistol and Forge Bolter. |
Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf |
Equivalent to a Captain for the Space Wolves, with his mount providing added speed, toughness, and attacks. He retains Rites of Battle to save Command Points, swapping Finest Hour for an increase in Advance and Charge distances. A solid leader enhancing the power of your Thunderwolf units. |
Wolf Guard Battle Leader |
The Space Wolves’ version of a Lieutenant, Battle Leaders grant their unit Lethal Hits and can accompany a unit that already has a Wolf Lord. You can equip them with Terminator Armor or Thunderwolf for added survivability or speed, respectively. |
Wolf Guard Pack Leader |
Essentially an upgraded Sergeant with the Chaplain’s ability to remove Battle-shock once per game. While they cannot serve as your Warlord or utilize Enhancements, they can be equipped with various wargear, offering a flexible option to boost another unit. Equip Terminator Armor to support Terminators or Long Fangs, or use a Jump Pack to fly alongside the Skyclaws. |
No saga is complete without loyal warriors charging into battle alongside their fierce leaders, and the Space Wolves bring a pair of units that can replace (or augment) standard Space Marine Battleline units.
Blood Claws |
These are the Space Wolves’ take on Assault Intercessors. Blood Claws display slightly lower stats on turns they do not charge but compensate with a point reduction and several additional special weapons. If available, consider opting for Assault Intercessors instead. |
Grey Hunters |
These versatile veterans stand in for Tactical Squads. Grey Hunters can take Chainswords for free, which they definitely should. Unlike Tactical Squads, they cannot equip heavy weapons, so keeping them close to the front lines and charging into melee when the moment is right is essential. |
When standard troops aren’t enough to meet the challenges ahead, you can rely on a variety of specialists to achieve glory in the name of the Allfather.
Hounds of Morkai |
The Space Wolves harbor a distrust of Psykers (except for Njal, he’s acceptable), and the Hounds of Morkai exemplify this. They serve as an anti-Psyker variant of Reivers, making them a decent choice against Psyker-heavy forces like the Thousand Sons or Grey Knights. In most other cases, you’ll have better melee options available. |
Long Fangs |
Significantly improved compared to Devastator Squads, instead of receiving an Ignores Cover benefit while stationary, they can re-roll ones to hit, leading to higher effectiveness in most situations. Boost their prowess with a Pack Leader in Terminator Armor carrying a Cyclone Missile Launcher, and they will make your opponents forget that you’re primarily a melee-oriented army. |
Skyclaws |
Flying Space Wolves are just as formidable as they sound. Skyclaws are essentially Blood Claws with aerial mobility, serving as a quick-moving melee threat that gains advantages on the charge. While they don’t inflict Mortal Wounds, their success rate for charges is enhanced and they are more accurate in combat on the turn they engage. |
Wolf Guard |
Somewhat akin to Vanguard Veterans—but without the Jump Packs—Wolf Guard can be extremely effective when escorting a character into battle, although they are often too costly for their capabilities. You may find better units to deploy elsewhere. |
Wolf Guard Terminators |
A blend of standard and Assault Terminator weaponry, these units are versatile but can be quite pricey. Assess your available options thoroughly to determine if their value aligns with their points cost. |
Wolf Scouts |
These improved Scouts come with additional special weapons for a minor points increase. If you want your Scouts to deal damage, particularly in melee, these are a reasonable option. For budget-conscious objectives holding, stick with the standard Scouts. |
Wulfen |
Werewolf Space Wolves from outer space. A fierce berserker unit that can continue to fight even after death and a direct step up from Assault Intercessors, throwing them into the mix makes for the deadliest Infantry unit at your disposal. They’re notably fast, eliminating the need for transport—convenient, as they cannot utilize any. Just remember they can’t hold Objectives, so deploy another unit to anchor your position while the Wulfen hunt down their prey. |
Beasts and Mounts
Of all the loyalist Chapters, the Space Wolves are the sole group to employ beasts in their ranks. The Wulfen Curse serves as a reminder that should they slip too far into their battle frenzy, they can transform as well.
Fenrisian Wolves |
Inexpensive cannon fodder, their primary limitation is their inability to hold Objectives, but they serve well as distraction units and threats from the backline. |
Thunderwolf Cavalry |
This unit is the cornerstone of any Space Wolves army. Though they resemble Outrider Squads with added melee potency, their true strength lies in their various Leader options. Combine them with Logan Grimnar on Stormrider for maximum effect (at the risk of concentrating your forces) or a Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf for consistent charges and reduced stratagem costs. |
Just because some of your battle-hardened troops prefer to ride into combat on living mounts doesn’t mean you lack unique Vehicle options.
Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought |
A pricey Dreadnought equipped with unique weaponry and an aura for nearby Infantry. Outfit it with a Blizzard Shield and Fenrisian Axe, and it can tackle enemy Monsters and Vehicles effectively. If Bjorn the Fell-Handed is out of reach point-wise, this can serve a similar purpose. |
Wulfen Dreadnought |
Very few things are as intimidating as a Dreadnought, but one driven by a frenzied Wulfen might be the most terrifying. It can inflict Mortal Wounds in close combat, possesses Feel No Pain to mitigate some damage, and can utterly obliterate anything it contacts in melee. Just like their Wulfen brethren, they are unable to secure Objectives. |
Stormfang Gunship |
A flying troop transport similar to a Land Raider, the Stormfang Gunship boasts potent weaponry, yet most are short-range, which may restrict its efficiency. If you need transportation, consider the standard options. |
Stormwolf |
Much like the Stormfang, the Stormwolf acts as an extravagant Transport whose armaments do not justify its high cost and fragility. It allows its occupants to charge after advancing, ideal for deploying valuable melee units straight into the fray. |
When the Space Wolves engage in war, they often rely on specific strategies—some of their own design and others inspired by fellow Space Marine Chapters.
Detachment |
Description |
Recommended Units |
Sons of Russ |
Across the various Great Companies of the Space Wolves, each strives for honor and recognition through deeds on the battlefield, shaping future Sagas. At the battle’s start, choose one Saga: this reflects achievements already accomplished, granting immediate benefits. Throughout the fight, your characters may complete additional Sagas, providing further advantages. This Detachment emphasizes Characters, so it would be wise to deploy several to complete your Sagas effectively. |
Wolf Guard Battle Leader, Wolf Guard Pack Leader, Long Fangs |
Champions of Fenris |
This is the primary Detachment for counter-attacking—when one unit is charged, nearby Infantry or Vehicles can join the fray. This requires keeping your units in proximity to support each other when necessary. There are also numerous Strategems and Enhancements to boost your Terminators, whether they’re Wolf Guard or otherwise. |
Terminators, Blood Claws, Dreadnoughts |
Stormlance Task Force |
While this Detachment is technically modeled after the White Scars fighting style, the Space Wolves can exploit its Strategems and Enhancements, especially when including Thunderwolves and/or Jump Pack units. |
Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf, Thunderwolf Cavalry, Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs |
Sample Armies
With Sagas to retell, trophies to display, and Thunderwolves prepped for battle, the time for the Sons of Russ to march into action is now. Each army presented below illustrates different strengths in their Detachment while showcasing unique Space Wolf units to utilize in the name of the Allfather.
Heroic Alliance (Champions Of Russ)
- Bjorn the Fell-Handed
- Harald Deathwolf
- Ragnar Blackmane
- Blood Claws
- Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
- Scout Squad
- Fenrisian Wolves x2
- Predator Destructor
- Rhino
Tactical Overview
Your Characters will need to excel to activate Sagas; hence, this army organizes three legendary figures to improve your chances. Bjorn the Fell-Handed will serve as the main anti-tank force, supported by a hybrid-configured Predator Destructor to weaken targets before Bjorn steps in to eliminate them.
Ragnar will be riding with the Blood Claws within the Rhino, looking for an exposed Character to engage, while the Assault Intercessors will leverage their mobility to operate around terrain and secure Objectives while dispatching any hapless Infantry that cross their path. Lastly, Harald and the Fenrisian Wolves will emerge from Reserves to disrupt enemy formations and eliminate stragglers, with the Scouts anchoring any remaining Objectives.
Feral Legacy (Champions Of Fenris)
- Logan Grimnar
- Librarian in Terminator Armor
- Wolf Guard Terminators x2
- Wolf Scouts
- Wulfen
- Fenrisian Wolves
- Ballistus Dreadnought
Tactical Overview
Logan and the Librarian will each lead a unit of Terminators, advancing steadily across the battlefield, with the Wulfen supporting them in the center. If a unit faces a charge, the nearest one can swoop in to assist, while the other pushes forward.
The Wolf Scouts will capture objectives on the edges of the map, charging weaker foes while using Guerrilla Tactics to fall back into Reserves if threatened by stronger enemies. The Fenrisian Wolves will bolster whichever sector of the battlefield needs more presence, while the Ballistus Dreadnought will target any Vehicles or Monsters that approach.
The Cavalry’s Here (Stormlance Task Force)
- Logan Grimnar
- Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf (Enhancement: Fury of the Storm)
- Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf
- Scout Squad
- Invader ATV x2
- Thunderwolf Cavalry x2
- Fenrisian Wolves
Tactical Overview
This army strategy is simple: each Battle Leader will lead a unit of Thunderwolf Cavalry, charging up the board as fast as possible, ideally using cover to minimize damage.
Each squad of Thunderwolf Cavalry will be accompanied by an Invader ATV, serving as your anti-Infantry and/or anti-Vehicle counter and benefitting from the Outrider Escort rule to retaliate against enemies targeting the Cavalry.
The Scouts and Fenrisian Wolves will capture Objectives and occupy board space while Logan Grimnar arrives from Reserves using Deep Strike to appear where he’s most needed, likely behind enemy lines, forcing your opponent to juggle multiple deadly threats at once.