You’ve stumbled upon some intriguing islands in Aloft. As you explore, you’ll encounter numerous abandoned buildings and incomplete villages scattered throughout the map. From quaint villages and ancient temples to massive ships that have met their fate among the clouds, there’s plenty of awe-inspiring sights waiting for you.
Don’t forget your sketchbook! It will be your trusty companion as you draw inspiration from the various pieces of furniture scattered in the ruins. If you come across a design you love, simply sketch it, then return to your home island to craft it into reality!
Create New Furniture Designs While You Explore
Early in your Aloft journey, particularly during the Forgotten Legacy quest, you’ll discover what appears to be the remnants of an old house. To kickstart your adventure in crafting, you’ll begin with a few basic items in your crafting menu, including simple wooden floors and walls. These will help you transform your home island into a cozy abode.
As you wander through the islands, keep an eye out for a sketchbook within chests and baskets scattered around. This handy tool allows you to sketch the furniture you observe, which can then inspire new creations back home. While not everything can be replicated, a single piece of paper and your sketchbook can unlock a wealth of crafting options to make your home feel welcoming.
To create paper for your sketches, you can combine one grasswort, three small plants, and one clean water at a workbench to make paper pulp. Alternatively, look for paper in the books lying around the abandoned settlements.
When you’re ready to sketch, equip your sketchbook and enter sketching mode. Aim your cursor at various pieces of furniture or building structures to find inspiration. Items you can sketch will glow orange, while items you already know how to craft will appear in gray. Don’t waste paper on something you can already create!
When sketching furniture, consider focusing on items like:
- Lamps: These can come in various materials, shapes, and sizes, often found in multiple structures.
- Tables and Chairs: You can create an array of designs after unlocking new shape recipes. Keep an eye out for these in the remnants of homes or lookout points.
- Rugs: Notice them beneath beds or tables in ruined houses.
- Decorative Items: Look for hanging decorations, such as unique rope patterns adorning walls in deserted areas.
Also, be on the lookout for additional building structures that will allow you to craft a real home, a larger ship, or anything else your imagination conjures. In your exploration, discover new wooden structures like curved walls and circular platforms, as well as a variety of stone pieces found in the ruins of old temples or castles.
Highlight diverse pieces such as walls, flooring, fences, and door frames, which offer endless building possibilities. Most wooden materials have stone counterparts available, and you’ll find plenty of roof shapes to complete your design with vibrant greenery.
Once you’ve sketched a new piece of furniture, it gets added to your construction menu instantly, allowing you to access that recipe whenever you like in your current save!