Liu Bei’s campaign in Dynasty Warriors: Origins features a unique and challenging battle at Xinye. During this encounter, Cao Cao’s forces utilize the Eight Gates Formation, essentially a defensive structure made up of heavily armored soldiers. The only hope for victory comes from strategist Xu Shu, whose strategic insights reveal how to dismantle this formidable setup.
While overcoming the Eight Gates Formation is straightforward once you understand its weaknesses, missteps can lead to significant trouble. Here’s a guide to securing victory at Xinye.
Overview of the Battle of Xinye
In the Battle of Xinye, the focus is primarily on understanding the complexities of the Eight Gates Formation. Here are some key points to remember:
You cannot attack the Eight Gates Formation until you have captured both northern camps. This allows Xu Shu to scout and identify the enemies’ vulnerabilities. Attempting a direct assault from the southern route will not be effective.
Once you launch your attack on the formation, enemy reinforcements will start to appear from the northwest. Their goal is to reclaim the bases and take out Xu Shu, which would result in losing the battle.
- Zhou Cang can defend the western base for a while, but he cannot hold it indefinitely.
- Bailuan will appear to prevent Zhang Liao from joining the reinforcements, but his mist will clear once the Eight Gates Formation is defeated.
- After the Eight Gates Formation falls, you still need to defeat Xiahou Yuan before Zhang Liao can break through and defeat Xu Shu, all while ensuring Liu Bei’s safety.
- The good news is that breaking the formation will demoralize the remaining enemy troops, making them easier to defeat than usual.
Strategies to Break the Eight Gates Formation
Xu Shu’s critical advice is to enter the Eight Gates Formation through a gate that is distinct from the others. Each gate has its characteristics, but there is one notable difference that becomes clear once you know what to look for:
Choose the entrance that lacks a burning torch. This gate is known as the Gate of Life, Gate of View, or Gate of Opening, and serves as the weak point.
By entering through this weak point, you will face two mid-level officers consecutively. After defeating the second officer, many armored soldiers will flee. At this point, you should step back outside the formation and wait for a cutscene. You’ll see the Eight Gates rearranging, but your objective is to locate another entrance without a torch. Repeat this process three times to confront Jia Xu; defeating him will ultimately cause the entire formation to collapse.
Can You Defeat the Shield Troops?
The shield troops that make up the walls of the Eight Gates Formation cannot be moved, trampled, damaged, or jumped over. The only way to get past them is by defeating the officer commanding that section.
What If You Choose the Wrong Gate?
If you mistakenly enter a gate illuminated by a burning torch, you can still tackle that section of the formation, but it will be significantly more challenging. Instead of facing two officers, you will contend with three elite officers from Cao Cao’s army, such as Zhang He or Yu Jin. Choosing the wrong gate will strain your resources, Guards, and the amount of time Zhou Cang can hold the northern line.
By following this strategy, you can effectively navigate the challenges of the Battle of Xinye and secure a crucial victory for Liu Bei’s forces.