In Smite 2, each God has a unique role. Some focus on dealing heavy damage, while others can heal teammates or support in various ways. Additionally, some Gods are incredibly resilient and tough to eliminate.
Geb stands out as a character who’s very hard to take down, making him a great choice against those who rely on burst damage. While he might not excel in dealing out high damage himself or easily managing a lane alone, his ability to absorb damage for his teammates is invaluable.
Playing as Geb in Smite 2
Geb is classified as a support character, primarily aiding a carry character who deals significant damage. His function is to keep this carry alive while they focus on dealing destruction.
Passive: Hard As Rock
Geb’s passive ability, Hard As Rock, ensures that no single attack will deal more than 20% of his max health. This is especially effective against characters who rely on high burst damage, preventing them from quickly overwhelming him.
This ability also reduces damage from enemy basic attacks by 5% and cuts critical damage taken by 65%. As a result, Geb significantly reduces the damage he endures during a match.
Roll Out
Roll Out is a versatile movement ability for Geb. It transforms him into a stone boulder, allowing control over his direction. Hitting enemy minions will damage and slow them, and after rolling for three seconds, he becomes immune to crowd control effects.
At the end of the three seconds, you can use Roll Out to jump and smash into the ground, dealing damage and knocking up enemies in your landing area.
Contact with an enemy God will revert Geb back to his normal form while dealing damage to that character.
Using Roll Out
Roll Out can be utilized in multiple ways. Offensively, it’s an efficient way to engage a group of enemy minions, dealing substantial damage as Geb charges through them. It’s also an effective approach to push into a fight, catching enemy Gods off guard.
Additionally, Roll Out serves as a good escape method. Its speed exceeds Geb’s ordinary running pace, allowing him to safely navigate away from danger if needed—just ensure your friendly carry is not left behind.
In certain instances, Roll Out can help catch a fleeing enemy still within striking distance. While it may not deal massive damage, it can finish off an enemy who is almost down.
Shock Wave
Shock Wave is a key ability for Geb, functioning as his main damaging and area-of-effect (AoE) skill. It deals damage to all enemies in an 8.8-meter cone and knocks them into the air, providing a brief respite from damage for him and his allies while dealing significant harm to multiple foes.
Using Shock Wave
Shock Wave is particularly effective against groups of enemies, whether they are minions or enemy Gods, dealing solid damage while briefly stunning them. This ability also allows Geb to poke at enemies just outside his melee range, setting them up for further attacks.
Stone Shield
Stone Shield is Geb’s defensive ability that provides either him or an ally with a shield. This shield scales with the player’s level and confers Geb’s passive ability, Hard As Rock, to whoever receives it.
When To Use Stone Shield
Stone Shield is relatively low-cost with a maximum uptime of five seconds. With a 17-second cooldown, you can maintain that shield for a little over 25% of your time. Often, you’ll want to use it on yourself, especially when soaking up damage to protect your allies who are dishing it out.
However, there will be moments when your ally becomes targeted by a jungler or other threats. In those cases, using Stone Shield on them can prove vital for their survival.
Cataclysm is Geb’s ultimate ability that damages and stuns all enemies within 4.8 meters. The base damage increases by 15% of their current health, in addition to the default damage dealt, with a stunning effect lasting just over a second.
When To Use Cataclysm
Cataclysm is optimal when used alongside an ally, as stunning a group of enemies can open opportunities for your carry to unleash their damage while they are incapacitated.
Though not its main use, Cataclysm can also provide a crucial escape opportunity for you or an ally. The stun can buy enough time to evade a dangerous situation.
God Aspect Of Calamity
Geb’s God Aspect, Calamity, modifies the Shock Wave ability. Rather than projecting in a cone, it now causes damage in a radius around Geb, similar to Cataclysm.
This aspect also reduces the cooldown of Shock Wave for each enemy hit, making it more frequent when faced with enemy minions.
However, Calamity removes the knock-up feature from Shock Wave, sacrificing a valuable stun effect.
When Should You Use Aspect Of Calamity?
The choice between these aspects comes down to individual playstyle. Some players make excellent use of the knock-up effect from Shock Wave, making it the wiser option for them to keep it as it is.
Others may find greater effectiveness in the broader damage radius and the ability to use it more frequently. If your team’s damage output is sufficient without the stun, opting for Calamity could be the advantageous move.