Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 – Emergence Mission Overview
In Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, players experience thrilling missions throughout the campaign. After a visit to the palace in the "Cradle" mission, you’re ready to dive into the "Emergence" mission.
This mission takes place in a research facility located in Kentucky. Your objective is to uncover the origins of the Cradle bioweapon within the facility’s Biotechnology department. As you progress, keep an eye out for ringing telephones. Answering these phones will help you complete a side objective and earn a free calling card.
Emergence Mission Walkthrough — Introduction
As the mission begins, you will don your mask and traverse a freight elevator shaft. Events take a turn when the elevator below suddenly falls, prompting your character to leap for the ladder. However, it breaks, and you end up in the water below. Swim to the surface and pull yourself up onto the ledge. Now that your mask is damaged, respond to Case, and begin exploring the room filled with unsettling mannequins.
Find a Tool to Open the Door
You’ll soon encounter a door that requires a tool to open. Return to the entrance, and in the left corner, you’ll find a hatchet lodged in a mannequin. Take the hatchet and head back to the door to unlock it. Stepping outside will lead you to the central area of the facility.
Locate the Entrance to Biotechnology
In the central area, head directly to the back of the room where you’ll find a button next to a far door. Press it, then turn around and approach the desk. Here, you will hear a phone ringing; interact with it to progress with the main mission and complete the first part of your side objective.
You’ll discover that obtaining access to the Biotechnology Wing requires four Director Keycards. After receiving your mission map, find the "Advanced Combat Research" section where you will head next.
Advanced Combat Research Director Keycard
Ascend the stairs to this research wing and venture into the hallway leading to a large cylindrical room. Here, you’ll interact with a computer located on a desk to decode a cipher. Each number corresponds to a letter in the code. Note that the code will vary for everyone.
To decode the cipher, assign numbers to the letters. For instance, if you receive the number 9053, you would translate it to the code "LIFT," resulting in "LIFT ACCESS" when complete. This will trigger the elevator to descend into the research wing.
Where to Find the ACR Keycard
Prepare to face zombies in this area. Make sure to collect weapons and explosives from around the room, including Spring Mines for defense setup. You’ll find the keycard held by a mannequin on a raised platform, while the Grappling Hook can also be snagged from a nearby table.
Defeat the large zombie creature known as the ACR Director that appears after you collect the keycard. When it charges you, grapple to a platform and deal damage accordingly. Be sure to also eliminate any spawned zombies as you battle.
After defeating the ACR Director, gather the Director keycard and use the grapple to exit this area. You might find another ringing phone in the hallway if you chose to answer it.
Where to Find the Administration Director Keycard
Access the Administration Wing by utilizing a grapple point nearby. As you navigate through the initial hall, you’ll spot a third ringing phone. Jump down into the search area and interact with a cassette player for additional lore.
On the right side of the room, locate the director’s mannequin holding the keycard and gather all missing reports scattered throughout to gain access to it.
Where to Find the Missing Reports
Look for reports under bright lights around the room. Once you collect them, mannequins will spawn. Keep your back facing them to avoid being hit. Once you retrieve all four reports, return to the Director’s window and deposit them in the folders.
After completing this task, the director will flee, and you’ll need to grapple him to deal damage, revealing his true form after a few attempts. Defeat this large boss to claim the keycard, then proceed to your next objective.
Where to Find the Joint Projects Director Keycard
Head to the Joint Projects area by grappling up. You’ll find the fourth phone on your way in. Within the area, retrieve the keycard, but be prepared for another director boss to appear as a zombie.
How to Defeat the Joint Projects Director
In this fight, it’s critical to stay elevated and use your environment to dodge the director’s attacks. Attack the objects he turns into when he vanishes, as his screams will guide you to where he’s hiding. Stay agile during combat as you take him down to collect the third keycard.
Where to Find the Cognitive Research Director Keycard
Exit to the Cognitive Research area. Here, you can find helpful gear such as C4 and Armor Plates. In the center of the locker room is a radio; tune into it to reveal the safe code. Once you have the code, visit the locked door nearby to collect more resources.
How to Unlock the Keypad and Drain the Water
Unlock the keypad by inspecting for fingerprint marks, providing you with the correct code. Once unlocked, access the terminal and initiate the drainage, flipping three switches to drain the water.
After draining the water, head to the keycard location to defeat the Director boss within, then return to the terminal in the central area to insert all the collected keycards into their slots.
Accessing The Biotechnology Wing
With all keycards in place, use the elevator to enter the Biotechnology Wing. Be quick to interact with the elevator button to avoid being attacked by nearby zombies. After the elevator ascends, the last side objective phone can be found. Answer it to continue.
How to Defeat the Executive Director
Your final confrontation is with the Executive Director. Keep using your grapple to navigate high areas while raining down fire on him. Utilize cover effectively and gather any scattered ammo or weapons to replenish your supplies.
Once you defeat the Executive Director, a cutscene will conclude the mission, transitioning you back to your team, after which you’ll move on to the next thrilling chapter of your adventure in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.