One of the standout new features in Dynasty Warriors: Origins is the introduction of Large Forces. As the name suggests, these are large groups of enemies—comprising foot soldiers and high-ranking officers—gathered in a single spot on the battlefield. More often than not, these Large Forces center around a particularly strong enemy officer, and in the later stages of the game, they are usually focused on the mission’s primary target: the single commander that must be defeated to win the battle.
Understanding how Large Forces operate (and how to break them apart) is crucial to your strategy, particularly in key end-game scenarios. Mastering their mechanics will not only help you progress through the main storyline of Dynasty Warriors: Origins, but also enable you to tackle many of its side quests. However, tackling a Large Force can be daunting; getting caught in the middle can leave you vulnerable to unblocked attacks from all directions. Here’s what you need to know when faced with a Large Force.
Understanding Large Forces in Dynasty Warriors: Origins
Creating a Large Force
Large Forces are made up of numerous officers and hundreds, or even thousands, of foot soldiers tightly packed together. They often emerge at strategic locations, such as city gates or key exit points. They serve a similar function to boss battles in traditional RPGs: they are the challenging final obstacle to overcome in specific missions, marking the climax of your efforts.
Large Forces can either be present from the start of a mission or develop over time. The game will usually alert you through its messaging system when a Large Force materializes, and their location will be clearly indicated on your map for easier navigation. Sometimes, these forces can appear rapidly due to various factors, like meeting specific mission objectives or small enemy groups merging into a central location.
When a Large Force appears, it can boost the enemy’s Morale, which might put you at a disadvantage. Morale is influenced by each team’s minor victories; capturing bases or defeating enemy officers can improve morale, which accumulates and affects how well your allies perform when you’re not actively aiding them. Low morale among your allies increases the risk of loss, while high morale enhances their chances of success.
Scripted events, like the arrival of a powerful general or the delivery of supplies, can also influence morale.
Importantly, engaging in combat within a Large Force enhances the Courage of your enemies. This means they become much tougher to fight when grouped together. It’s wise not to confront a powerful enemy officer within a Large Force. Taking on weaker officers, especially nameless ones, might be manageable, but it’s advisable to dissolve the Large Force before facing its leader directly.
Disbanding a Large Force
Creating a Clear Path
Even though Dynasty Warriors games promote the idea of an “Army of One,” it’s generally unwise to attack a Large Force solo. You will likely be outnumbered by several enemy officers and possibly face thousands of soldiers who can surround you. You will need help, but what if your allies are busy elsewhere?
Once you learn that a Large Force exists, your priority should be to carve a path for your allies to join the fight. Check the map for nearby bases where your allied officers may be engaged. Assist them by defeating the base leader and some of their troops, and they are likely to follow you back to the Large Force.
Managing the Crowd
When you reach a Large Force, assess its formation. There will be clear boundaries to its structure, which you should target first. Start by eliminating foot soldiers positioned at the outer edges, gradually making your way toward the center where the more formidable officers await.
Specific combos and special moves will also be beneficial. For instance, executing four light slashes followed by two heavy strikes while wielding a sword can unleash devastating aerial attacks against numerous foes. Similarly, using a spear, three heavy attacks in a row (after any number of light attacks) can yield similar results. Activate your Musou attack for effective crowd control and call for an ally to assist and enter Rage Mode. Using team tactics can also allow you to deal area damage efficiently. Employing your horse to trample enemies around the edges in a line is another viable option.
Equipping the Vortex Gem can amplify the damage done when launching enemies into the air.
Be aware that you might face foes with large shields defending the edges of the Large Force. To remove them, choose a small segment of the wall and attack it until you stagger the shieldbearers, triggering the Assault command. This will disrupt the formation, allowing you to penetrate further into the cluster. Attack all the shieldbearers from behind to clear a path for you and your allies quickly.
Facing Off Against Officers
Keep in mind that every Large Force displays a sort of health bar at the top of the screen while you’re engaged with them. Defeating regular enemies contributes minimally to this bar, but taking down an officer will significantly reduce its health, making their defeat crucial for disbanding the force.
Before you challenge an officer, ensure there’s a clear path on at least one side to avoid being blindsided while engaged in one-on-one combat. Once you’re ready to face them, employ your usual tactics, making sure to parry or interrupt when prompted, and use Arts to breach their defenses.
It’s wise to always carry at least one Art marked “Sp.” in your arsenal, as these moves use Bravery and are necessary to disrupt certain unblockable attacks.
When you stagger an officer, seize the chance to use the Assault command; activating it grants invincibility and creates significant knockback for nearby enemies. So even if you see threats approaching from another direction, a well-timed Assault can help you escape.
In conclusion, the key to tackling a Large Force is to begin at the edges, progress toward an officer, defeat them, and repeat the process until the health bar is completely depleted. Once it reaches zero, most of the foot soldiers will flee, leaving behind only a few officers and a reduced contingent. Your next objective should be to confront the leader of the Large Force, who will now be significantly easier to defeat without their allies supporting them.
With this knowledge and your preferred weapon in hand, you’ll have no trouble dismantling Large Forces. This mechanic adds a fresh dimension to the latest Dynasty Warriors game, making battles feel more dynamic and challenging. Mastering how to navigate Large Forces will greatly enhance your experience in Dynasty Warriors: Origins, especially during the climactic phases.