The “Trick or Treat” elevator puzzle is a familiar element in the Silent Hill 2 Remake, offering a set of trivia questions connected to the game’s lore. As you delve deeper into your exploration of Brookhaven Hospital, you’ll have the opportunity to earn significant rewards by inputting the correct answers into a Decorative Box. Although long-time fans of the original game may feel prepared, slight changes have been made that require some adjustment on their part.
Puzzles abound in Silent Hill 2 Remake, from the literary coin puzzle in Wood Side Apartments to the jukebox riddle in Neely’s Bar. Items you discover along your path often relate directly to the puzzles, advancing the storyline and unlocking new areas—sometimes literally. Likewise, the “Trick or Treat” segment from a radio show that you hear while inside the hospital elevator functions on the same principle. Clues found throughout the game can provide you with the necessary answers. Nonetheless, it’s challenging to think clearly amid the tense atmosphere, and each incorrect answer comes with repercussions.
How To Access The Elevator Puzzle
Keep Your Answers Handy
On the second floor of Brookhaven Hospital in Silent Hill 2 Remake, once you’ve unlocked a puzzle box, stepping into the elevator will be interrupted by a radio segment titled “Trick or Treat.” This segment will present you with several challenging trivia questions about Silent Hill, but you won’t be able to answer them right away. You’ll need to revisit the first floor of the hospital later with Maria to input your answers into the Decorative Box.

Silent Hill 2 Remake’s Difficulty Settings: Which You Should Choose & What Changes
The Silent Hill 2 remake lets players set the difficulty levels of combat and puzzles separately. Here’s what each setting affects, and which is best.
When you input the right answers, you’re rewarded. However, giving partially correct or entirely incorrect answers will result in James suffering some or considerable damage, and the box will remain permanently sealed. Just to clarify, you can completely avoid this puzzle by opting not to answer if you want to avoid any risks. But if you’re sure about your answers, taking the chance for rewards can be quite beneficial.
This guide pertains to the
difficulty settings. Different settings may yield different answers.
Answers for the Elevator Quiz in Silent Hill 2 Remake
All Quiz Questions, Multiple Choice Options, and Correct Answers
The “Trick or Treat” radio show includes three questions that will test your knowledge of Silent Hill’s lore while you’re in the elevator, as demonstrated by GosuNoob on YouTube. You’ll need to remember the answers until you can return, giving you time to ponder each response.
In the meantime, the solutions can be found throughout the game if you explore thoroughly, although it’s easy to overlook small details or forget bits of information as you navigate the terrifying environment. Thanks to IGN‘s research, we’ve laid out all three questions, the numbered choices available in the episode, and the correct answers along with the final code for the quiz box below.
How many souls died during the plague in Silent Hill? |
2. 67 |
This answer is noted on a memorial in Rosewater Park. |
What road leads from Sanders Street to the lumber yard and the cemetery? |
3. Wiltse Road |
Your map will show where Wiltse Road connects to both the lumber yard and the cemetery. |
Billy Locane was one of two children who were murdered in Silent Hill. What was the name of the other victim, Billy’s sister? |
1. Miriam |
This information is part of a newspaper article found in Wood Side Apartments. |
While it’s certainly important to remember each specific detail of the answers, the most crucial thing to note is the three-digit code derived from the options. The final code is: 2-3-1. Keep this in mind until you can access the Decorative Box and enter your answers for the “Trick or Treat” quiz.
How to Locate and Open the Trick or Treat Box
Go to the Pharmacy & Enter the Code
The Decorative Box for the “Trick or Treat” quiz can be found in the Pharmacy on the first floor of Brookhaven Hospital. It sits on a table in the back corner of the room. When you interact with it, you can use the buttons to input the three-digit code corresponding with the quiz answers. The layout clearly indicates the button arrangement, so be sure to carefully input the code 2-3-1 to unlock it.
There is a
save point
just outside the Pharmacy. It’s wise to save your progress before accessing the box, providing a fallback should you accidentally input an incorrect code.
Should you correctly answer all three trivia questions, the box will open, granting you these rewards:
- 5 Shotgun Shells
- 2 Syringes
If you input the code incorrectly and end up with partial or wrong answers, the box will remain locked forever, preventing access to its contents. James will also sustain some damage from one or two wrong answers, with more significant damage after three incorrect inputs. Although this won’t lead to his death, a low health state can pose challenges against upcoming foes.
Changes to the Elevator Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake
A Comparison of 2001 vs. 2024
In comparison to the original version, the “Trick or Treat” quiz questions and answers are largely different in the Silent Hill 2 Remake. While the basis of two out of the three questions remains similar, dealing with the names of murder victims and the most effective routes to key locations within Silent Hill, the specific details and even the final answer differ substantially. What was formerly 3-1-3 has now changed to 2-3-1. If you were planning on correctly answering based solely on memory from the original game, your character James may end up worse for wear, so it’s advisable to reacquaint yourself with the town’s history as you progress through the game.
Source: IGN
Video Credit: GosuNoob/YouTube