The new startup in Russia StarRocket is launching ads on the sky during night time, soon, it will be launched globally and listed as one of the costly advertising mediums.
StartRocket will show billboard-type advertising in the sky. They have done a successful test of showing ads on the night sky which featured McDonald’s and KFC logos to get the people attention to show advertising.

They also showed the video of their test of Ads on the Sky;
Vlad Sitnikov project leader of this project said that this step is the one step ahead for interactive marketing.
We are run by events and brands. Super Bowl, Brexit, Coca Cola, Olympics, Fifa, Mercedes, Supreme, and the Mexican wall. The economy is the backbone of society. And Advertising and entertainment are its heart. We live in a global space and mankind will keep giving new things to space. The more experienced and professionals will make this place a better place.
Vlad Sitnikov talks to Futurism.
StartRocket will launch its first Orbital Display in 2020 to start displaying ads by 2021 all around the world. The single advertisement will be as big as 500 Kilometers (about 250 to 310 miles) and that advert will show for 6 minutes only. And after that, the ad will be replaced with another advertisement after 6 minutes.
How brands can apply or what countries they will be launching at first are still unclear, but the launch date is confirmed which is 2020.
This innovation is currently getting a huge amount of criticism as a scientist are labeling this act as “Destroying Nature”. Saying that this approach will eat up the nightlife for the people living in any country. As well as ads on the sky at night can be very irritating as human nature likes to see a clear sky with stars and a bright moon.