Whatsapp Starts Banning Users Who Send Forwarded Messages To Everyone

When WhatsApp suddenly stops working, we feel as if our life has stopped as these days Whatsapp is the main way of communication all around the world.

We fulfill our business and personal needs through Whatsapp communications. While, some of us use Whatsapp to make plans, organize events or for business talk.

But, Whatsapp can ban your account if you try to spam using your number on it such as sending messages to everyone, sending links or promoting business via spam texts.

You will be banned if your account doesn’t comply with Whatsapp policies. A person will get a notification if his or her business gets banned. With a message that says “You have been temporarily banned from WhatsApp.”

Whatsapp can ban if you spam using your Whatsapp account

Whatsapp is now cleaning their platform from all sorts of spam or malicious activities. The company is banning the accounts which send malicious texts with links to a virus filled site. Even if you forward that message, you will get banned too.

How to prevent or avoid getting banned from Whatsapp

  1. Never send too many texts to the numbers, that your number isn’t saved on. If you do it, Whatsapp will ban your account.
  2. If your number gets “blocked” by a large number of people, then your account will be automatically banned.
  3. Do not create too many groups with many unknown numbers in it.
  4. Never use a Fake Whatsapp.

Users should follow the policy very thoughtfully to keep their WhatsApp account going.