Facebook stands Number 1 among the social media of the world, having 2.6 billion active accounts. Today, we will talk about the amazing Facebook Facts that you didn’t know about.
1. Facebook was first called Facemash
Zuckerberg’s idea was to create a website where people can compare their faces.
2. After Facemash, Zuckerberg thought to make it an Online Student Directory website
He first decided to call this idea The Facebook, that’s where this name is came from.
3. Start of Facebook, started with lots of legal troubles
At that era when websites were such a big deal, Mark Zukerberg had to go through a number of legal troubles before initiating it.
4. Facebook is the 3rd most famous website in the world
First is Google, second is Youtube.
5. 71% Americans use Facebook
After this the latter use Twitter and Instagram.
6. Women use more facebook than Men
75% of the women use Facebook, while on the other hand, only 63% of men use Facebook, Pew Research Center.

7. Facebook users have uploaded more than 250 billion Facebook photos
Facebook get a count of 350 million photos uploaded per day.
8. More older generation is on facebook than millenials
Back in 2015, the majority of Facebook users were teens. As per 2019 Facebook statistics, 60% of the older generation is now actively using Facebook.
9. Facebook is very famous in rural areas
Majority of Facebook users live in the city.
10. Majority of Facebook users lives outside US
The active account count in the United States is very low compared to the others.

11. India, Indonesia and the Phillippines have the most Facebook Active Users
About 38% of the users are from Asia Pacific. In India, there are 260 millions active Facebok users.

12. 50% of the Facebook users do not speak English
Half of the Facebook users belongs to the countries where English is not a native language.
13. 98% of the people use Facebook from their Smartphones
As per latest data unveiled on April 2020, 98% active users use Facebook from their mobile phones. Among these 98%, majority belongs to African region.
14. Majority of the Facebook users are Conservative
- 50% are conservative
- 34% are liberal
- 29% are moderate
15. 8 am and 10 pm are the times when people are most active on Facebook
If you’re a Digital Marketer, these two time slots are prime selling hours for you.
16. 88% people create Facebook account to keep in touch with their friends and family

17. 75% of users visit Facebook timeline daily
According to Pew Reseach Center, 51% agreed that they visit Facebook more than twice in a single day.
18. On an average, A Facebook user spend 58 minutes on the website daily
It means, a single person is more likely to spend 1 hour to 2 hours on Facebook daily, It is one of the unknown Facebook facts for marketing experts.
19. Facebook is highly prefered by Digital Marketing experts
83% of the Digital Marketing experts use Facebook for Advertising.
20. Facebook users follow a Brand on Facebook to get Discount/Deals
39% of the active Facebook users admitted in research that they follow a brand because they want to know about the latest deals and discount offers.
21. You can see who has not yet accepted your friend requests on Facebook
- Click on Friend Requests.
- Click See All.
- Click on Sent Requests.
22. You can download everything you have done on Facebook
Simply by doing this;
- Go to Settings.
- Click Facebook Information.
- Click Download Your Information.
23. You can see how much time you have spent on Facebook
- Click on the More menu.
- Click Settings and Privacy.
- See Your Time on Facebook.
Which of these amazing Facebook Facts you liked or you didn’t know about? Let us know in the comment box below. Also follow us on Facebook and Google News for more interesting content.