Freedom Wars Remastered immerses you in a world where natural resources are scarce, turning daily life into a challenging survival experience. In this setting, massive prisons tightly control every aspect of life, ensuring that no resources are wasted and that nothing goes to waste. Prisoners must earn the right to make choices or even take a simple break.
This limitation affects players by restricting immediate access to certain game features such as upgrades or fast travel, and even small things like walking or interacting with NPCs. Fortunately, players can gradually unlock these abilities through the Entitlement system.
What Are Entitlements?
Entitlements are certificates that players must purchase to access specific privileges in the game. For instance, one of the earliest Entitlements you’ll unlock is the ability to walk around your cell. Engaging in restricted activities without meeting the necessary Entitlement requirements will extend your prison sentence by several years.
Beyond limiting gameplay mechanics, the Entitlement system also requires you to obtain proper permits for customizing your character’s outfits and gear.
Entitlements can be acquired at the Window On Liberty within your cell. You will need to spend Entitlement Points on the permits, with prices ranging from a few hundred Points to several thousand.
Each time you pass a CODE exam, you’ll gain access to new sets of Entitlements.
How To Earn Entitlement Points
By completing operations, you can earn Entitlement Points, usually gaining a few thousand Points after each mission.
Additionally, you can boost your Points by donating resources you collected during missions. The results screen will display the items you picked up, and you can sacrifice some of them in exchange for extra Points (this also reduces your sentence further).
You don’t have to wait for missions to donate resources. You can submit them at any time at the Window on Liberty, allowing you to earn additional Entitlement Points if needed.