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After being introduced in Sniper Elite 5, the Axis Invasion feature returns in Sniper Elite: Resistance, letting players step into the shoes of the enemy and disrupt others’ campaigns. Drawing inspiration from mechanics found in the Souls series, this mode can be incredibly enjoyable if you understand its nuances.
Whether you’re the one defending against an invasion or eager to become an aggressor, trying this mode at least once is highly recommended.
What Is Axis Invasion?
Axis Invasion is a game mode in which you can invade other players’ single-player campaigns. During an invasion, the objective is straightforward: eliminate your target or face defeat yourself. If the player being invaded dies, they will lose progress on their mission, while you, as the invader, will gain a rank. Each successful kill unlocks various rewards like new weapons, modifications, or skins.
Note: Axis Invasion is turned on by default, but you have the option to disable it if you prefer an uninterrupted campaign experience. To do this, navigate to Options, then Game, and set Allow Axis Invasion to either Off or Invite Only.
Being Invaded
You can be invaded during most campaign missions, except for the first and last chapters. Typically, you can’t be invaded immediately; you must progress through the level before this feature activates. You can check the exact moment that invasions become possible in the pause menu.
While NPC enemies remain a threat during invasions, your main focus should be locating and eliminating the Axis sniper. If you’re killed, you can restart from the moment you were invaded. Be cautious about advancing too far into the mission, as doing so could lead to losing significant progress.
If you find yourself nearing the end of a mission, exiting will automatically secure a win, so don’t hesitate to make a break for it!
The best tool at your disposal when under siege by an invading sniper is your focus ability. By using focus, the minimap will show a general direction of the enemy, lighting up if they get close enough. This ability allows you to track your opponent, providing a crucial advantage.
You can also utilize—and sometimes rig—phones located throughout the map to share both players’ positions. While this tactic can expose you, it can also provide vital information about your safety.
Tips for Being Invaded
- Stay Calm: Remember, your opponent doesn’t know your location. Take your time to assess your surroundings and choose a strategic position.
- Be Discreet: Sounds like gunfire, explosions, and running can be heard by your enemy. They also keep track of any tagged NPCs, so eliminate them carefully.
- Use Your Scope Wisely: Looking through your scope creates a tell-tale glare that your adversary can see. However, they also give away their position this way.
- Keep Moving: Staying stationary for too long will reveal your location. It’s better to change positions frequently, even minimally.
- Be Aware: The invader will be more cunning than typical NPCs; simply hiding in grass or behind cover is often not enough to remain undetected.
Playing as the Axis Invader
When you invade, you’ll spawn in a random location on the map, typically some distance away from your target. This gives you a chance to find cover, survey the landscape, and plan your next steps.
As the Axis Invader, you have unique abilities that differ from playing as the main character, Harry Hawker. However, these come with significant limitations.
Skill | Description |
Eagle Eyes | Tagging NPCs reveals where they last saw your target. |
Stay Sharp | Nearby NPCs will alert you to your target more quickly. |
Sixth Sense | You will be notified if the enemy successfully tags you. |
Wire Trapper | You can rig phones to explode when your opponent uses them. |
Grenade Throwback | Throw grenades that land close to you. |
Stabilized | Healing items lower your heart rate as well. |
Back In The Fight | Revive yourself with med kits when downed. |
Cardio | Your sprinting doesn’t increase your heart rate as fast. |
Speedy Recovery | Your health regenerates more quickly after taking damage. |
You can roam the environment openly, as you don’t need to hide from NPCs, allowing you to move quickly between strategic locations. However, the downside is that you have limited visibility of your opponent’s whereabouts. You can’t directly track their movements, relying instead on NPC observations for updates.
Tips for Playing as the Axis Invader
- Spawn Strategy: Your spawn location can give clues about your opponent’s position. For example, spawning near late objectives usually indicates the player is positioned closer to the beginning of the mission.
- Tag NPCs: Tagging will help you gain intel on your target, as NPCs that spot them will change color based on their engagement.
- Leverage Key Enemies: Non-player characters like snipers can indicate how far the player has progressed through the mission.
- Use Your SMG in Close Quarters: It can be a lifesaver when navigating tight spaces.
- Avoid Trapping Phones: With numerous phones scattered throughout the map, rigging them is often a poor use of time and resources.
By skillfully navigating the battlefield and using your unique abilities, you can become a formidable Axis Invader, enhancing both your gaming experience and that of your opponents.