Learn how to save Mayrina from Ethel the hag and get Mayrina locket in Baldur’s Gate 3. Find out the different ways to complete this quest and their outcomes.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is a role-playing video game that allows players to explore a vast and rich world, interact with various characters, and make choices that affect the story. One of the side quests that players can encounter in the game is Save Mayrina, which involves rescuing a woman named Mayrina from a hag named Ethel.
In this article, we will explain how to complete this quest, what are the possible outcomes, and how to get Mayrina’s locket, a story item that has no apparent use in the game.
How to Start the Save Mayrina Quest
The Save Mayrina quest can be started in the Sunlit Wetlands region, which is located in the southwestern part of the map. There, you will find two brothers, Benryn and Glut, who are looking for their sister Mayrina. They will tell you that she went to see Ethel, a witch who lives in a nearby tea house, to get help with her pregnancy. They will ask you to help them find her and bring her back.
You can agree to help them or refuse. If you agree, they will give you a key to Ethel’s tea house and tell you to meet them there. If you refuse, they will go on their own and you can follow them later.
How to Enter Ethel’s Lair
To enter Ethel’s lair, you need to go to the tea house and use the key that the brothers gave you or pick the lock. Inside, you will find Ethel and Mayrina. Ethel will greet you and offer you some tea. You can accept or decline her offer. If you accept, she will ask you some questions about yourself and your companions. If you decline, she will be offended and end the conversation.

You can also try to persuade Ethel to let Mayrina go or attack her directly. However, both options will fail and Ethel will cast a spell that teleports her and Mayrina to her lair below the tea house. You will then have to find another way to enter her lair.
To do so, you need to examine the fireplace in the tea house. You will notice a hidden platform that can be lowered by pulling a lever on the wall. Once you lower the platform, you can enter a secret passage that leads to Ethel’s lair.
How to Save Mayrina from Ethel
Once you enter Ethel’s lair, you will have to face various enemies and traps along the way. You will also encounter some optional areas and secrets that you can explore or ignore. Eventually, you will reach Ethel’s chamber, where she is holding Mayrina captive.
There are two ways to save Mayrina from Ethel:
- The first way is to kill Ethel in combat. This is the most straightforward way, but also the most difficult one. Ethel is a powerful enemy who can cast various spells and summon minions. She also has a lot of health and resistance to damage. You will need to use your best abilities and tactics to defeat her.
- The second way is to make a deal with Ethel. This is the easier way, but also the more risky one. Ethel will offer you a bargain: she will let Mayrina go if you give her something in return. She will ask for one of three things: your eye, your voice, or your baby (if you are pregnant). You can accept or reject her offer. If you accept, she will take what she asked for and let Mayrina go. If you reject, she will attack you.
How to Get Mayrina’s Locket
Mayrina’s locket is a story item that you can get from Mayrina after saving her from Ethel. It has no apparent use in the game, but it might have some significance in the future updates.
To get Mayrina’s locket, you need to talk to her after rescuing her from Ethel. Depending on how you saved her, she will have different reactions:
- If you killed Ethel in combat, she will be grateful and thank you for saving her life. She will also give you her locket as a token of appreciation.
- If you made a deal with Ethel and gave up something in return, she will be angry and blame you for making a foolish choice. She will also refuse to give you her locket.
- If you made a deal with Ethel and gave up your baby (if you are pregnant), she will be horrified and curse you for sacrificing your child. She will also attack you.
- After getting or not getting Mayrina’s locket, she will leave with her husband Connor (who was turned into a zombie by Ethel) and head to Baldur’s Gate in search of a cure.
The Save Mayrina quest is one of the many side quests that Baldur’s Gate 3 offers players. It involves rescuing a woman named Mayrina from a hag named Ethel and getting her locket, a story item that has no apparent use in the game.
There are different ways to complete this quest, each with its own consequences and rewards. Whether you choose to fight Ethel, make a deal with her, or ignore the quest altogether, you will have an impact on the story and the world of Baldur’s Gate 3.