The Sims 4’s Eco Lifestyle expansion pack focuses on promoting green and eco-friendly neighborhoods. This expansion enables players to pursue a Civil Designer career within the game, with the aim of creating environmentally-friendly gadgets and constructing sustainable homes.
We will help you achieve your dream of becoming a Civil Designer in Sims 4 by thoroughly exploring this career path.
How to Become a Civil Designer in The Sims 4?

To pursue a career as a civil designer, the player needs to complete the Eco Innovator Aspiration, which emphasizes creating a more sustainable and eco-friendly community. Similar to other career paths in The Sims 4, advancing as a Civil Designer involves completing specific tasks.
1. Friendly Neighborhood Interactions
A player can gain influence points through building friendships and maintaining positive relationships with others, potentially leading to promotion.
2. Selling Water and Power to Utility Companies
This requires the player to generate extra power and water, which can subsequently be sold. Boosting power production involves installing solar panels and turbines, while increasing water reserves requires a dew collector.
3. Vote on Neighborhood Action Plans
To cast a vote, the Sim must visit the community board in Evergreen Harbor. However, if the player resides in a different world, they can vote by selecting the action plan via the mailbox.
4. Convince Others to Vote on the Plan
By maintaining healthy and trusting relationships with fellow community members, the player can persuade them to back the neighborhood action plan they prefer.
Best Traits and Skills for Civil Designers

1. Green Fiend
Green fiend Sims are highly motivated to create an eco-friendly environment because they thrive in green neighborhoods. In addition to their “GO GREEN” motto, these Sims receive a 4-hour inspiration boost while engaging in eco-friendly activities.
Green Fiend also encompasses the Eco Master trait. Sims with the Eco Master trait inspire other players to adopt eco-conscious behaviors.
2. Maker
These enthusiasts thrive on creating. A civil designer needs a player to innovate, design, and construct eco-friendly furniture and gadgets, making this skill indispensable. Similarly, “Master Crafter” is another highly valuable trait.
3. Outgoing
Outgoing Sims are natural extroverts who thrive on making new friends. For a civil designer, socializing and meeting other Sims are important for success. Friendly interactions within the community help earn level-up points and persuade others to support various action plans.
4. University Degree
“Stay Composed and Study!” This mantra is perfect for The Sims 4 as well. Dive into Discovery University and enroll in courses that can set you on the path to a civil designer career. Key courses to consider include Physics and Communication. Earning a university degree opens the door to numerous bonuses, increased earnings, and career perks.
Civil Designer Career Levels and Job Ranks
The Civil Designer career in The Sims 4 begins with three initial levels. Players will conduct daily interviews with homeowners about utilities and have the opportunity to question adult Sims. To secure higher-level positions in this career, obtaining a degree is crucial, making it essential to understand the process of earning a degree in The Sims 4.
Diligent effort significantly enhances a player’s logical skills and dexterity. This career offers two distinct paths: the Civic Planner Branch and the Green Technician Branch.
Level | Job | Salary |
1 | Junior Draftsperson | §248 daily |
2 | Architectural Apprentice | §378 daily |
3 | Construction Technician | §57 daily |
Civic Planner Career Levels and Job Ranks
To excel in this branch, the player must accumulate influence points. These points can be earned by making friends, engaging in positive neighbor interactions, hosting parties, and participating in votes on neighborhood action plans.
To attain level 10, the player must optimize their logic skills, necessitating dedicated effort from the very beginning.
Level | Job | Salary |
4 | Utilities Assistant | §612 daily |
5 | Urban Surveyor | §684 daily |
6 | Policy Planner | §896 daily |
7 | Civic Archivist | §1160 daily |
8 | Neighborhood Improvement Officer | §1512 daily |
9 | Municipal Engineer | §2520 daily |
10 | City Master Planner | §3150 daily |
Green Technician Career Levels and Job Ranks
As a Green Technician, the player will craft an eco-friendly upgrade part each day using recycled materials. Proficiency in Logic and Fabrication skills is crucial for this role.
When the players are promoted, they receive a Store No More Home Fabricator, allowing them to develop new fabrication skills and access incredible crafting recipes.
Level | Job | Salary |
4 | Installation Intern | §585 daily |
5 | Design Guru | §630 daily |
6 | Machine Modifier | §760 daily |
7 | Eco-Tech Scientist | §808 daily |
8 | Device Savant | §1043 daily |
9 | Expert Fabricator | §1194 daily |
10 | Master Inventor | §1422 daily |
Civil Designer Cheats
Here are some handy cheats for the Civil Designer Career:
- Civil Designer Promotion Cheat: promote careers_Adult_CivilDesigner
- Get 500 bits or 500 Pieces: Shift + Click on Sim, choose ‘Give Bucks’, and then select ‘Bits’ or ‘Pieces.’
To use cheats, you need to activate the testingcheats console command. On Windows, press CTRL + SHIFT + C; on Mac, press COMMAND + SHIFT + C; and on consoles, press all trigger buttons simultaneously.