As the newest installment in the beloved mobile puzzle franchise, Monument Valley 3 follows 2017’s Monument Valley 2. This installment is set to launch on mobile devices through Netflix on December 10. In preparation for this release, Netflix will make the first two games accessible on its platform on September 19 and October 29, respectively.
Ustwo, the game’s developer, has described this newest edition as the most ambitious yet. The narrative revolves around Nor, an apprentice lighthouse keeper, who embarks on a journey through fantastical and perplexing architecture. While the series has previously explored themes such as forgiveness and coming-of-age adventures, Monument Valley 3 delves into hope and unity. In a recent discussion with the press, director Jennifer Estaris highlighted that the story addresses resilience amidst considerable adversity, paralleling the challenges faced by both Nor and those we encounter in our everyday lives.
As part of our preview, we were treated to a look at two distinct chapters, showcasing how this sequel expands upon its predecessor. The first segment featured Nor navigating a river by boat, passing through gates—a welcome addition that allows for a greater sense of space and exploration compared to earlier entries in the series. This feature enhances the feeling of a vibrant, expansive world beyond the traditional puzzle rooms.
The second segment introduced a level crafted from unfolding cubes. Initially reminiscent of classic Monument Valley environments, this chapter preserves the series’ trademark visual puzzles while providing a fresh mechanic: players can alter pathways by tapping to unfold parts of the scenery, reshaping the level. This innovative twist remains true to the series’ legacy while introducing new gameplay elements that enrich the experience.
Although the gameplay glimpsed thus far is limited, there’s a significant buzz surrounding Monument Valley 3. It appears to retain the captivating puzzle elements that endeared the first two titles to players while simultaneously innovating with new features and gameplay strategies that enhance the overall experience.
Monument Valley 3 is set to release on December 10 on iOS and Android via Netflix, and pre-registration is currently open.