Are you feeling overwhelmed by rising subscription costs? Perhaps you’re unsettled by the recent password-sharing policies. Or maybe you just can’t find anything appealing to watch anymore. Whatever the reasons might be, you may be contemplating whether it’s time to step away from Netflix for a bit.
Unlike other streaming platforms, the thought of pausing your Netflix subscription can be a bit more complicated. After all, many of us have had Netflix in our lives for years—I’ve personally been subscribed for nearly two decades—while newer services have only just burst onto the scene.
Over time, Netflix can feel more like a basic necessity, similar to utilities like water or electricity—or even taxes!
In contrast, my approach to newer streaming services such as Max or Peacock is much more casual. When something arises that I want to watch, I simply sign up. Once I’ve checked off my watch list, I effortlessly cancel. Finished binge-watching the latest season of Hacks or Poker Face? See you later!
This begs the question: What is it that makes Netflix stand out? It’s a valid inquiry; after months of scrolling through endless rows of shows that didn’t capture my interest, I found myself utterly fatigued by Netflix.
Eventually, I decided enough was enough and canceled my subscription—regrettably, it was a relief. I anticipate returning to Netflix one day, but for now, I plan to cycle through the other major streaming services, enjoying them one at a time.
So, let’s remind ourselves: it is perfectly fine to take a break from Netflix. Just because you step away doesn’t mean you can’t come back when you’re ready.
How to pause your Netflix subscription
When it comes to taking a break from Netflix, you have a couple of options: you can either pause your membership (a relatively new feature) or outright cancel your subscription.
What differentiates pausing from canceling? If you choose to pause your Netflix subscription, it will remain paused for one month, at which point it will automatically reactivate. You have the option to extend the pause briefly but not indefinitely.
Click Manage membership to begin pausing or canceling your Netflix subscription.
Ben Patterson/Foundry
If you decide to cancel your Netflix subscription, it will remain canceled. However, Netflix retains your account information—including profiles, watch history, ratings, and recommendations—for up to ten months after the cancellation. This means, as long as you reactivate your account within that ten-month period, you can easily return to what you were watching.
Pause your Netflix membership
If you’re only looking to pause your Netflix subscription, here’s how to do it for a short time:
Visit the Netflix website, click on your profile icon in the upper-right corner, and select Account.
Once you are on the Account page, locate the Manage membership button in the top-left corner, just below your membership duration (which, let’s be honest, can make you feel a bit guilty!). Click that button.
On the next page, just beneath the Finish Cancellation button, you’ll see the option to Pause for 1 Month. Click it, and voilà! Your Netflix subscription will be paused starting on your next billing date.

Your Netflix subscription can now be paused for up to three months at a time.
Ben Patterson/Foundry
A week before your pause period is over, Netflix will prompt you with the option to extend your pause for another month. Just keep in mind that you can only pause your subscription for a maximum of three months at a time.
Of course, Netflix makes it straightforward to resume your subscription whenever you’re ready. Simply log into the website from your mobile or computer, and you’ll see options to “unpause” your membership. If you choose to do so, you’ll be billed immediately for the upcoming month, and your billing cycle will adjust accordingly.
Cancel your Netflix membership
If you’re thinking of taking a longer hiatus or permanently canceling your Netflix membership, here’s what to do: navigate to the Netflix website, click on Account in the top-right corner, select Manage membership, and then choose Finish Cancellation.
Even if Netflix warns you about losing access to personal recommendations, you can rest easy knowing that your profile settings and other information will remain intact for ten months; after that, Netflix will clear your data.