Aloft immerses you in a one-of-a-kind adventure that lets you navigate the skies and discover numerous islands suspended in the air. Before you can fully explore these aerial realms, you’ll need to create various items to establish your home island. Crafting these items adds layers of enjoyment to the game.
One of the key materials you’ll need is rope, which can be quite a challenge to gather in the early stages of the game. Rope is essential for constructing most sailing gear, as well as weapons and other valuable tools.
How to Obtain Rope
The primary way to craft rope is by using Mykter Fibre, which you can collect after defeating corrupted mushroom enemies on corrupted islands. If you’re playing in Peaceful Mode, it might be difficult to find these enemies, but you can still gather Mykter Fibres by taking down large corruption mushrooms and crafting rope at a workbench.
A simpler method to gather rope is by scavenging it from various islands. Rope piles can commonly be found scattered across islands that have a lot of sailing gear. You’ll need as much rope as you can get, as it’s used for a variety of crafting needs, so take some time to search thoroughly.
Look for piles of rope stacked on these deserted islands that may have once hosted flying ships. A notable location for this is the island featuring two lost knowledge anchors during the Forgotten Legacy quest.
Additionally, you can create different types of rope, such as waxed rope by combining 2 ropes and 1 wax gathered from bees. As you advance through the game, you’ll also find flax fiber, which can be used to make rope at the workbench.