The Athlete career path is one of the more accessible careers in Sims 4. This career enables players to earn money through fitness skills.
To kickstart a career as an Athlete, you can either use your phone to select Find a Job or navigate to the Career Panel located at the bottom right corner and choose the Find a Job option.
Below is a comprehensive list of available careers. If you’re looking to progress in this career, select athlete from the options provided.
Top Skills and Traits for Athletes
Highlighted below are some of the key skills and traits beneficial for Athletes.
1. Active
Maximizing active traits is crucial for Athletes, as this role revolves around fitness skills. With this trait, your Sims can quickly gain skills, and they will embrace their exercise routines. Therefore, this trait is essential for success in any athletic career.
2. Bracing Breezes
When your Sim is working out, this trait provides them with an energized moodlet. As a result, their workout sessions become more effective, and they acquire skills at an accelerated pace.
3. Loves The Outdoors
Considering your Sim will spend considerable time outdoors, this trait becomes important. It boosts both Charisma and Fitness skills, ensuring your Sim remains cheerful while enjoying outdoor activities like running.
4. Convivial
This trait enhances your home environment, making it an ideal place for gaining the Charisma skill through interactions with others.
Athlete Career Levels and Job Roles

After reaching the fourth level, your career will branch into two distinct paths. Below are the details about the four levels before this branching occurs.
Level | Job Title | Salary | Promotion Requirements |
1 | Waterperson | $112/day | N/A |
2 | Locker Room Attendant | $133/day | Level 2 in Charisma and Fitness |
3 | Team Mascot | $196/day | Level 3 in Charisma and Fitness |
4 | Dance Team Captain | $273/day | Level 4 in Charisma and Fitness |
Bodybuilder Career Levels and Job Roles

Upon completing the fourth level of your Athlete career, you’ll have two branches to select from. The first branch is Bodybuilder, which includes the levels, jobs, and salaries outlined below.
Level | Job Title | Salary | Promotion Requirements |
5 | Personal Trainer | $329/day | Mentor another Sim in fitness and achieve Level 5 Charisma and Level 8 Fitness |
6 | Professional Bodybuilder | $399/day | Mentor another Sim in fitness and attain Level 9 Fitness |
7 | Champion Bodybuilder | $595/day | Mentor another Sim in fitness and reach Level 6 Charisma along with Level 10 Fitness |
8 | Trainer to the Stars | $894/day | Mentor another Sim in fitness and get to Level 7 Charisma |
9 | Celebrity Bodybuilder | $1,674/day | Mentor another Sim in fitness and reach Level 8 Charisma |
10 | Mr. or Mrs. Solar System | $3,000/day | Mentor another Sim in fitness and attend work |
Pro Athlete Career Levels and Job Roles

The second branch focuses on the Pro Athlete track, with the levels, jobs, and salaries outlined below.
Level | Job Title | Salary | Promotion Requirements |
5 | Minor Leaguer | $357/day | Analyze your opponents and achieve Level 5 Fitness |
6 | Rookie | $462/day | Analyze your opponents and reach Level 6 Fitness |
7 | Starter | $602/day | Analyze your opponents while achieving Level 8 Fitness and Level 5 Charisma |
8 | All-Star | $910/day | Analyze your opponents and attain Level 6 Charisma and Level 9 Fitness |
9 | MVP | $1,452/day | Analyze your opponents and reach Level 8 Charisma and Level 10 Fitness |
10 | Hall of Famer | $1,998/day | Analyze your opponents and report for work |
Athlete Career Cheats
You can also accelerate your progress in the Athlete career using cheats. Access the Cheat Console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C.
If you’re on a Mac, use Command + Shift + C. For consoles, press R1 + R2 + L1 + L2. On Xbox One, hold down all four shoulder buttons to reach the Cheat Console.
Once the Cheat Console pops up, input Testingcheats True or simply Testingcheats, and hit enter to activate cheats. To gain a quick promotion, enter careers.promote athletics, which will immediately elevate your Athlete to the next level. You can use this cheat until you reach the desired promotion level.
Additionally, you can maximize other skills using the cheats listed below.
- Fitness: set_skill_level Skill_Fitness 10
- Charisma: set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10