Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl features a set of challenging missions right from the start. After securing the Inductor and meeting with Strider, your next destination will be Azimuth Station. Be prepared, as you will encounter numerous enemies along the way.
The Ward will be present at Azimuth Station, so you’ll need to handle them before tracking down those responsible for taking Skif’s unique Artifact and Scanner. The mission, titled Chasing Ghosts, can be tricky even from the outset.
How to Reach Azimuth Station
Once your conversation with Strider is complete, he will provide you with a sniper rifle, which will prove useful later on. Equip the weapon and proceed to the Azimuth Station. At this stage, your goal is to find a key, and you won’t need to engage in combat just yet. The soldiers will already be dead; just locate Maj. Hryhorchenko and loot his body to acquire the key.
Even though you can head directly to the body holding the key, it’s a good idea to take your time and explore the area for additional loot. Since you will face challenging fights ahead, having extra supplies will definitely be beneficial.
The corpse is located right next to the stairs. After collecting the key, proceed downstairs and unlock the door. Open another door and navigate further down the stairs. Now, take the left path first to loot some items. Once you’ve gathered what you can, head back and turn right. You’ll soon hear a dialogue, which signals that combat is imminent.
Before engaging in combat, crouch down to enter stealth mode. It’s advisable to use a grenade to initiate the fight and then switch to close-range weapons to finish off the remaining enemies.
Move straight ahead, and you’ll find a group of enemies on your left. A close-quarters battle is inevitable, so a shotgun or assault rifle would be your best bet. The room contains six foes, so stay alert and consider executing stealth kills when you can.
You can use either a knife or a silenced weapon for this; however, since the enemies are close together, they may quickly raise an alarm. After eliminating all foes, don’t forget to loot their bodies, as the fight isn’t quite over yet.
After handling the enemies, head north, then take a left and right. You’ll find another enemy ahead, so take them out quickly. Next, turn left to find the body you’ve been searching for. Search it to retrieve the Azimuth access key, and then proceed upward.
You don’t need to backtrack; instead, there’s a staircase right next to the body. Go up the stairs, loot the next body you find, and continue upward.
How to Grant Strider Access to Azimuth’s System
With the key in hand, it’s time to grant Strider access to proceed with your mission. However, as soon as you exit, Foma will be there to confront you. He’s a formidable opponent, perched in a tower with a sniper rifle.
Don’t attempt a direct confrontation unless you’re ready to use the sniper rifle Strider provided at the beginning of the quest. If you choose to use the sniper, find cover and wait for the right moment to take him out. Alternatively, if you prefer a close-range encounter, dash forward and enter the building.
If you’re opting for a close-quarters battle, watch out for traps hidden in the area.
Quickly pick up the loot on your left and move away in the opposite direction. The building contains traps, so be careful and neutralize them as you go. You’ll spot a computer with a blue screen—approach it and use the key card.
Next, you’ll see a door to your left; go through it, but watch out for another trap. Crouch down to disarm it, then proceed up the stairs to confront Zoma. Expect to get shot a few times while climbing, so ensure Skif’s health is full. Once you reach Zoma’s location, turn around quickly and shoot him.
You will then face a choice: eliminate him on the spot or leave him severely injured. Your choice won’t affect the outcome, as he will die either way. Afterward, simply install the Inductor, and Strider will reach out to you.
After finishing the dialogue, don’t head back down, as there’s one last task before your mission wraps up. Ascend the outdoor stairs and activate the device. This will trigger some dialogue, and once you activate the device, the mission will conclude, bringing you closer to finding those who stole your Artifact and Scanner.