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Home Gaming Ultimate Guide to Pokémon Let’s Go Evolution Chart

Ultimate Guide to Pokémon Let’s Go Evolution Chart

Pokemon Let's Go Evolution

Are you ready to quench your desire to collect and register Pokémon in your Pokédex? Worry not! Our Pokémon Let’s Go Evolution Chart is here to guide you.

Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee includes most of the classic Generation 1 Pokémon: there are about 80 Normal Pokémon, excluding the Alolan forms. If you’ve played any of the earlier Pokémon games by GameFreak, you’re likely aware that evolving a Pokémon involves meeting specific criteria.

These criteria can range from using appropriate Evolution Stones to the more classic leveling-up method. Some Pokémon might also need to be traded with another player to evolve during the exchange. This guide aims to present the complete Evolution chart for Pokémon Let’s Go.

Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee Evolution Chart

Here, you will discover the comprehensive Evolution chart, detailing how to evolve various Pokémon and achieve their Mega Evolutions.

PokémonRequirement to EvolveStage 2 EvolutionRequirement to EvolveStage 3 EvolutionMega Stone NameMega Evolution
BulbasaurLevel 16IvysaurLevel 32VenusaurVenusauriteMega Venusaur
CharmanderLevel 16CharmeleonLevel 36CharizardCharizardite XMega Charizard X
CharmanderLevel 16CharmeleonLevel 36CharizardCharizardite YMega Charizard Y
SquirtleLevel 16WartortleLevel 36BlastoiseBlastoisiniteMega Blastoise
CaterpieLevel 7MetapodLevel 10Butterfree
WeedleLevel 7KakunaLevel 10BeedrillBeedrilliteMega Beedrill
PidgeyLevel 18PidgeottoLevel 36PidgeotPidgeotiteMega Pidgeot
RattataLevel 20Raticate
SpearowLevel 20Fearow
EkansLevel 22Arbok
PikachuThunder StoneRaichu
SandshrewLevel 22Sandslash
Nidoran (Female)Level 16Nidorina (Female)Moon StoneNidoqueen
Nidoran (Male)Level 16Nidorina (Male)Moon StoneNidoking
VulpixFire StoneNinetales
ZubatLevel 22GolbatCan’tCrobat
OddishLevel 21GloomLeaf StoneVileplume
ParasLevel 24Parasect
VenonatLevel 31Venomoth
DiglettLevel 26Dugtrio
MeowthLevel 28Persian
PsyduckLevel 33Golduck
MankeyLevel 28Primeape
GrowlitheFire StoneArcanine
PoliwagLevel 25PoliwhirlWater StonePoliwrath
AbraLevel 16KadabraVia TradingAlakazamAlakaziteMega Alakazam
MachopLevel 28MachokeVia TradingMachamp
BellsproutLevel 21WeepinbellLeaf StoneVictreebel
TentacoolLevel 30Tentacruel
GeodudeLevel 25GravelerVia TradingGolem
PonytaLevel 40Rapidash
SlowpokenilSlowbroCan’tSlowkingSlowbroniteMega Slowbro
MagnemiteLevel 30Magneton
DoduoLevel 31Dodrio
SeelLevel 34Dewgong
GrimerLevel 38Muk
ShellderWater StoneCloyster
GastlyLevel 25HaunterVia TradingGengarGengariteMega Gengar
DrowzeeLevel 26Hypno
KrabbyLevel 28Kingler
VoltorbLevel 30Electrode
ExeggcuteLeaf StoneExeggutor
KoffingLevel 35Weezing
RhyhornLevel 42Rhydon
KangaskhanKangaskhaniteMega Kangaskhan
HorseaLevel 32Seadra
GoldeenLevel 33Seaking
StaryuWater StoneStarmieCan’tNo Staraptor lmao
Mr. Mime
PinsirPinsiriteMega Pinsir
MagikarpLevel 20GyaradosGyaradositeMega Gyarados
EeveeWater StoneVaporeon
EeveeElectric StoneJolteon
EeveeFire StoneFlareon
KabutoLevel 40Kabutops
AerodactylAerodactyliteMega Aerodactyl
DratiniLevel 40DragonairLevel 58Dragonite
MewtwoMewtwonite XMega Mewtwo X
MewtwoMewtwonite YMega Mewtwo Y

When you see ‘Nil’, it indicates that these cannot evolve. You must find their evolved forms either through Pokémon Go or from other NPCs.

Pokémon Let’s Go Alolan Evolution Chart

Pokemon Let's Go Evolution

Below, you will find the evolution chart for all Alolan Pokémon:

PokémonRequirement to EvolveStage 2 EvolutionRequirement to EvolveStage 3 Evolution
PikachuTrade through an NPCAlolan Raichu
Alolan SandshrewIce Stone OR Level 22Alolan Sandslash
Alolan VulpixIce StoneAlolan Ninetales
Alolan DiglettLevel 26Alolan Dugtrio
Alolan MeowthLevel 28Alolan Persian
Alolan GeodudeLevel 25Alolan GravelerTrade through an NPCAlolan Golem
Alolan GrimerLevel 38Alolan Muk
ExeggcuteTrade through an NPCAlolan Exeggutor
Alolan RattataLevel 20Alolan Raticate
CuboneTrade through an NPCAlolan Marowak

Ali Hasan is a writer at with a passion for immersive action RPGs and compelling storylines. His tools of choice are controllers and keyboards.

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