Facing off against various characters in Smite 2 often involves a bit of trial and error. Different characters can exhibit unique play styles based on who is controlling them and the way they are customized. In fact, some characters can even take on significantly different roles depending on aspects like God Aspects.
In contrast, characters like Zeus are quite predictable in their actions. Fortunately for Zeus, his effectiveness is so impressive that even if opponents know exactly what to expect, combating his abilities requires considerable teamwork and strategy.
This game is currently in Early Access, meaning that content in this guide may be subject to future updates.
Playing as Zeus in Smite 2
Zeus typically occupies either the Middle lane or Carry role in Smite 2, which means he might be soloing for lengthy periods or partnering with a Support character in the left lane.
Regardless of the role he plays, Zeus is always focused on unleashing significant damage. His target may vary slightly depending on the specific role.
- In the Middle role, Zeus is largely self-reliant. He needs to consistently engage in one-on-one combat with the opposing Middle, remain vigilant for ambushes from the enemy Jungler, and adapt to push or defend the lane as necessary. If he starts to dominate his opponent, he can push the lane heavily, complicating matters for the opposing team.
- In the Carry role, Zeus has less responsibility in lane. Nonetheless, he will contribute significantly to his team’s damage output later in the game. With proper support, he can become a powerful force and quickly eliminate many enemies.
Overcharge is Zeus’ passive ability, crucial for boosting his overall damage output. Dealing damage with any of Zeus’s attacks, including his Basic Attack, applies Charges to opponents. Each enemy can hold a maximum of three Charges, and each Charge amplifies Basic Attack damage against them by 20 percent.
This means that an enemy with three Charges will suffer 60 percent additional damage from Zeus’ Basic Attacks. Additionally, any non-God enemy hit by Zeus immediately receives three Charges.
Chain Lightning
Chain Lightning arcs through nearby enemies, inflicting damage and slowing them down. Fully upgraded, this attack can bounce between up to six enemies, although it does have limited range.
Using Chain Lightning Effectively
Chain Lightning is exceptionally versatile.
- It’s highly effective against groups of enemies as it damages multiple targets and applies Charges to each one.
- It works well against solo targets, too, slowing down enemy Gods hit by it.
However, it tends to shine brightest when used against multiple opponents. At higher levels, this can obliterate entire waves of enemy minions, clearing the path for your own team to advance effectively.
Thunderclap unleashes lightning in a radius around Zeus, damaging enemies caught within and boosting his attack and movement speed.
When to Use Thunderclap
Though Zeus has ranged Basic Attacks, he can also excel in close combat. This ability, similar to Chain Lightning, proves useful in many situations.
- Thunderclap is effective against clusters of enemies; whereas Chain Lightning requires enemies to be particularly close, Zeus can position himself to target enemies spread out as far as 6.4 meters apart, thanks to this ability’s 3.2-meter radius.
- The boosted attack and movement speed are major advantages. The attack speed boost offers a flat damage increase for its five-second duration, while the movement speed boost allows Zeus to chase down enemies or escape when needed.
This ability should be a staple in your rotation whenever you have the mana, regardless of whether you are consistently hitting adjacent enemies, simply due to the attack speed increase it provides.
Detonate Charge
Detonate Charge performs exactly as its name suggests: it detonates the Charges on all affected enemies, wherever they may be. This causes damage, and foes with full Charges are stunned.
The ability’s damage scales with the number of Charges on an enemy. With two Charges, the damage increases by 1.7x, and with three Charges, enemies take 2.4x the damage.
When to Use Detonate Charge
Detonate Charge can potentially eliminate an entire opposing team if you manage to effectively distribute your Charges.
- The stun effect is particularly useful, allowing you to interrupt enemies during key moments. While it holds less significance against NPCs, such as minions, it remains an asset.
- However, the real highlight is the capability for extensive damage. Abilities like Chain Lightning and Thunderclap will apply Charges to each damaged enemy. In a team fight, applying three Charges to every enemy and following up with Detonate Charge can significantly turn the tide in your favor.
Lightning Storm
Lightning Storm is Zeus’ ultimate ability, summoning a storm that inflicts damage on enemies caught inside. It does five ticks of damage over 4.5 seconds, with substantial damage output.
As an ultimate, Lightning Storm has a particularly long cooldown, lasting 70 seconds at its shortest. Make sure to maximize its value during use, as it is a powerful ability that shouldn’t be wasted.
When to Use Lightning Storm
Lightning Storm can be tricky to land effectively, as enemies can often evade its radius. Nonetheless, any foes caught might still receive one or two ticks of damage, chipping away their health.
- This ability is excellent for eliminating enemy minions, but its value is somewhat diminished since Zeus can accomplish this task with his other abilities as well.
- It can also serve as a positioning tactic. Against melee Gods, they’ll face substantial damage if they engage within the storm, especially combined with Zeus’s other attacks.
- It can push enemy ranged Gods out of advantageous spots, forcing them further away and allowing Zeus to secure a better position as well.
- Finally, using this ability against an enemy Titan is particularly effective. The Titan, lacking a strategy, won’t leave the damaging area. If your team can keep the enemy Titan trapped for several seconds, combining this with Zeus’ other abilities can take the Titan down swiftly, giving your team an advantage before opponents can regroup.