If you’re trying to navigate today’s Connections puzzle, there are definitely ways to help you get back on track. I faced a curious challenge while finishing the puzzle, but it all came together in the end. There was a surprising category that I initially thought was the right fit but turned out to be incorrect, which made sense once I reflected on it. If you’re encountering difficulties like I did, I’ve got all the advice you need to finish the puzzle successfully.
For those seeking a different type of puzzle while still testing your knowledge of pop culture and language, consider trying the NYT’s Strands puzzle. It’s like a classic word search, but there’s a twist: you won’t know which words you’re looking for! Although it seems a bit counterintuitive, the more you guess, the more hints you receive, which means you’ll start solving the puzzles more quickly than you expect. The only question is how many hints you’ll decide to use before completing it.
Today’s Connections Category Hints
JANUARY 22 #591
If you’re looking for hints, you’ve come to the right place. There are a few tricky categories, along with one significant red herring that might confuse you. As always, your knowledge of the subjects involved—as well as those that only appear to fit—will matter here. The more you connect the words with specific concepts, the more likely you’ll need to step back to reassess if you’re overlooking something important.
- One category pertains to items that all originate from the same place.
- One category involves what happens when you start your quest for hidden treasure.
- One category is about a group that all wears similar outer garments.
- One category consists of four terms that precede a direction word in a phrase.
If you still need more guidance, the category names and full spoilers await your exploration below.
Today’s Connections Answers
JANUARY 22 #591
Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained
This category initially posed some difficulty, not because I’m unfamiliar with the types of academic courses, but because I had mistakenly placed "LAB" in several other categories. I thought it might fit with a fully formed four-word group about dog breeds, or perhaps be part of the group associated with people wearing robes since a lab coat resembles one. In the end, I managed to sorted it out.
Green Answers: Revealed & Explained
As someone with a background in archaeology, I have plenty of experience with digging. I did manage to figure out this category after eliminating my initial guesses. Terms like “PIT” could easily have been included, but once I recognized that category wasn’t correct, it became easier to see how many words related to a “HOLE,” and "TRENCH" was the only one left that involved the ground.
Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained
This section was a bit tricky for me, as I initially questioned which professions were needed. "BOXER" was first thought to belong to the dog category, while both "LAWYER" and "LAB" made appearances here too. Ultimately, I managed to find the right combinations before ending the puzzle.
Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained
Although I came to this category last, I had “CHIN” mistakenly grouped with the dogs. It was amusing, especially since a dog appeared in each category, creating a peculiar puzzle. A "LAWYER" may not always wear robes, but they do occasionally, while "BOXER" didn’t register as a profession at the time of my guess. Fortunately, I completed the puzzle successfully, so it turned out fine.
Other Games Like Connections
If you’re eager to work on more puzzles, there are many options available in the section below. Check them out and keep sharpening your skills!