The Great Turtle in Fortnite may be massive, but it cleverly camouflages itself among the environment and can be found in one of six different spots during each game. If you’re on the hunt for this giant turtle, we’ve got you covered with the details you need to find it. This will help you complete one of the Story quests and earn a level-up token to boost your seasonal progress. Additionally, you’ll be able to access some useful loot and meet Ryuji, a rare Fortnite character. If you need help in tracking down this wandering creature, check out our list of all the locations for The Great Turtle in Fortnite.
Locating The Great Turtle in Fortnite
Instead of staying in one fixed location, The Great Turtle can spawn in any of the six designated spots I’ve marked on the map above. This means that one of these locations will be randomly selected for each match you play. While you can’t predict which one will be active, you can look for it from the Battle Bus. From above, the giant turtle will appear as a large green island with trees on top. Once you arrive at its location, you’ll complete the initial Story quest and get tasked with helping Ryuji free The Great Turtle from some Dark Magic Thorns.
Removing Dark Magic Thorns from The Great Turtle’s shell in Fortnite
To clear The Great Turtle’s shell of Dark Magic Thorns, you’ll need to destroy five glowing red wooden splinters sticking out. The easiest way to take them out is with your pickaxe, but any effective attack will do the trick. After you remove all five thorns, head back to Ryuji, who’s waiting for you on the turtle’s back, and open his rare treasure chest to receive your rewards.