For any Pokémon GO trainer keen on catching Ditto, it’s essential to have the latest list of its disguises. This tricky purple blob doesn’t spawn as itself; instead, it cleverly disguises itself as a selection of other Pokémon. You won’t even realize you’ve encountered a Ditto until you capture it, often mistakenly thinking it’s another Pokémon.
Much like the Zorua, Ditto’s disguise system is a unique gameplay mechanic. What sets Ditto apart is that its disguises change at least once every year. As a result, both seasoned and new players may go months or even years without encountering it if they aren’t up to date with the current list. While it isn’t the toughest Pokémon to catch in Pokémon GO, spotting Ditto can turn into a gratifying but challenging adventure for those aiming to complete their Pokédex.
Ditto Disguises in Pokémon GO (February 2025)
11 Returning Pokémon
As of February 2025, Ditto can disguise itself as the following 11 Pokémon from various generations: Oddish, Stuffl, Spinarak, Koffing, Bergmite, Gothita, Goldeen, Solosis, Rhyhorn, Numel, and Bidoof. This lineup has remained unchanged since March 2024. If you encounter one of these Pokémon on your map, it’s possible that it’s actually a Ditto waiting to be caught.
Ditto can appear as Shiny in Pokémon GO, but the chances are slim at 1 in 64. The only way to spot the blue variant is purely by chance.
One hint that a Pokémon might be Ditto in disguise is its Combat Power (CP), which is generally lower than that of the Pokémon it mimics. For instance, Ditto has a CP range of 940-951, while others on its disguise list, like Oddish and Goldeen, range from 1389-1400 and 1302-1318, respectively. Therefore, weaker spawns of those Pokémon might just be the Ditto you’re searching for.
How to Boost Your Chances of Finding Ditto
Using Incense & Lure Modules
To enhance your chances of encountering a Ditto in Pokémon GO, consider using items like Incense that boost the overall Pokémon spawn rates. Currently, there is no specific method to directly increase Ditto’s spawn rate. However, Incense is fairly inexpensive at 40 PokéCoins in the in-game shop.
Additionally, trainers receive a complimentary Daily Adventure Incense that extends Pokémon spawns for 15 minutes. Lures can be used at nearby PokéStops, enhancing spawns for 30 minutes. Keep an eye out for disguises such as Oddish, Solosis, Numel, and Koffing, and with a bit of persistence, you’re sure to find and catch Ditto to enrich your Pokémon GO collection.