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Use Building Materials to Create Your Home Island
When you’re navigating the vast skies in Aloft, you’ll discover plenty of opportunities to enhance your home island. As you gather resources, why not invest some time into building structures and creating a cozy home?
Whether you’re aiming to construct a grand ship, design a comfortable living space, or invent a unique architectural style, we’ve got everything you need to get started on furnishing your space in Aloft.
Use Building Materials to Design Your Home Island
As you progress through the game, you’ll likely feel the desire to upgrade your home island with new buildings and furnishings. The Construction Menu provides various options, allowing you to customize your island to fit your vision with structures, furniture, and decorative items.
This menu is also where you’ll find essential machinery, sailing gear, and valuable items for your home, like cooking supplies and beds. However, this guide focuses mainly on the materials and furniture you can use to enhance your island.
Once you obtain your sketchbook for the first time, keep it handy, as you can replicate furniture designs that catch your eye. Encountering abandoned villages, temples, ships, or leftover homes on your explorations? Simply interact with your sketchbook when you’re near these structures to copy their designs. You can then recreate them on your island whenever you’re back!
Remember that different shapes of the same item, such as lamps and wall hangings, count as separate designs, so be sure to check if something appears unique. These pieces usually require the same number of resources and will change visually to match your design once built.
Build on Your Home Island and Others
You can construct recipes on any island that’s suitable for building, but first, you need to heal any unhealthy ecosystems. Most building activities will take place on your home island, where you can create ships, elaborate homes, and decorations. Plus, when you build on your home island, you draw from your stored resources, so there’s no need to gather supplies before expanding.
Occasionally, you’ll need to build on other islands, especially to reach knowledge stones located in hard-to-access spots. If you don’t want to use your materials for a one-off build, consider constructing a temporary staircase to access these stones, then take it down afterward.
When you’re building, there are three ways to place items, giving you different levels of control over their positioning:
- Automatic: This mode allows pieces to snap together when positioned next to each other, aligning them effortlessly.
- Manual: This mode gives you finer control over the placement, enabling adjustments on a four-point Y-axis in addition to the horizontal X-axis.
- Disabled: Here, you can freely rotate the piece in any direction and place it wherever you like.
Using a combination of these modes generally yields the best results when building in Aloft, giving you complete creative flexibility for your island.
If you’re unhappy with your construction or want to redecorate, you can destroy any building structures in Aloft. Simply use the right mouse button and strike the structure with your hammer, whether on your home island or while exploring elsewhere.
Furniture and Building Recipes in Aloft
Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of recipes you can use to furnish and enhance your home. We’ve organized the information into two sections: one for structural building items and another for furniture and decorations. You’ll find your structural recipes in the Building tab of the construction menu, while everything else is under the Decoration tab.
Each item marked with an asterisk indicates it has multiple styles or sizes available. While they may require the same materials, they can count as separate designs when you use your sketchbook, so it’s wise to confirm if what you want is new.
Remember, you can’t craft a recipe unless you’ve learned it, so having the materials doesn’t guarantee you can build it if you don’t know how.
All Recipes in the Building Tab
Menu Section: Wooden Structures
- Wood Dock: 9 Wood, 4 Rope, 2 Windstone Crystals
- Wooden Foundation: multiple designs available
- Wooden Wall: options for variations available
- Wooden Door: and others listed below…
All Recipes in the Decoration Tab
Menu Section: Furniture
- Wool Curtains: 1 Plank, 5 Wool Fabric, 1 Charcoal
- Wood Table: and various seating options that follow…
When you unlock any of these recipes through knowledge stones or your sketchbook, feel free to use them to personalize your home island! Rearranging and redecorating can make your journey between islands even more enjoyable.