In Caves of Qud, mutations provide your character with distinctive abilities and traits. These mutations can be straightforward, like developing a beak, or more complex, such as experiencing mental challenges like amnesia or narcolepsy. One notable mutation even spawns an evil twin that will pursue and try to eliminate you!
If you’re curious about all aspects of mutations in Caves of Qud, you’ve found the right guide. Here, we will explore the different types of mutations in the game and the methods for acquiring them.
Selecting Mutations During Character Creation
At the start of your adventure, you’ll have the option to choose between being a Mutated Human or True Kin. Picking the Mutated Human option allows you to allocate 12 mutation points to gain various mutations.
Keep in mind that you cannot exceed these 12 points. However, be aware that defect mutations (like being albino or having an allergy to tonics) are labeled as negative. So, if you spend all 12 points and choose Brittle Bones, which has a [-4] value, you’ll end up with 16 points.
As the name suggests, defects usually come with some sort of drawback, particularly during combat and exploration. For instance, the Brittle Bones mutation means you take 50% more damage from bludgeoning, falling, or concussive damage.
Acquiring New Mutations While Playing
Besides selecting mutations at the game’s start, you’ll also get the opportunity to gain new ones as you level up. Each time you advance a level, you earn one mutation point, and once you have at least four points, you can purchase a new mutation. To access this option, just press ‘M’ in your character information menu.
You will only have three mutations to choose from for each selection, but you can also use your mutation points to enhance existing mutations.
Types of Mutations
There are five categories of mutations, which are summarized below:
Mutation Type |
Description |
Morphotypes | Mutations that determine how other mutations come into play. |
Physical Mutations | Mutations that alter your physical capabilities (e.g., growing wings or enhanced hearing). |
Physical Defects | Negative mutations that affect your physical form (e.g., brittle bones or hooks for feet). |
Mental Mutations | Mutations that influence your cognitive abilities (e.g., creating confusion or generating fire mentally). |
Mental Defects | Negative mutations impacting your mind (e.g., amnesia or social awkwardness). |
All Mutations in Caves of Qud
Next, let’s detail every mutation you can find in Caves of Qud, organized by type for easier navigation.
Mutation |
Description |
Chimera | Only physical mutations can manifest. |
Esper | Only mental mutations can manifest. |
Unstable Genome | Investing in this gives you an additional mutation that may not show up right away. When you level up, there’s a 33% chance to destabilize your genome and choose from 3 additional mutations. |
Physical Mutations
Mutation |
Description |
Adrenal Control | Control your adrenaline release, enhancing speed and increasing other mutations for 20 rounds. |
Beak | Develop a beak providing +1 Ego and a peck attack, with +200 reputation with birds. |
Burrowing Claws | Gain claws that dig through walls and serve as weaponry. |
Carapace | Form a protective layer that boosts your armor value and improves resistance to heat, cold, and enhances reputation with tortoises. |
Corrosive Gas Generation | Release corrosive gas in your surroundings. |
Double-Muscled | Increase strength based on your level and daze opponents with melee attacks. |
Electrical Generation | Store and discharge electricity for damage or to power devices and absorb energy from cells. |
Electromagnetic Pulse | Generate pulses that disable machines and artifacts. |
Flaming Ray | Emit flames causing damage. |
Freezing Ray | Emitting frost to deal damage. |
Heightened Hearing | Discover creatures nearby with an improved sense of hearing. |
Heightened Quickness | Experience increased speed based on your level. |
Horns | Gains horns that can deal bleeding damage to foes and increases reputation with antelopes. |
Metamorphosis | Transform into any creature you touch, given they are of a lower level. |
Multiple Arms | Acquire an additional set of arms for melee attacks. |
Multiple Legs | Gain an extra set of legs for increased movement speed and greater carrying capacity. |
Night Vision | See clearly in darkness without the need for a light source. |
Phasing | Phase through solid objects. |
Photosynthetic Skin | Bask in the sun to gather nutrients instead of consuming food, while gaining increased defensive value in foliage. |
Quills | Grow quills that inflict harm and provide immunity to other quills. |
Regeneration | Heal faster and potentially remove minor debuffs each round. |
Sleep Gas Generation | Create sleep gas around you. |
Slime Glands | Produce slime that can be projected at targets. |
Spinnerets | Spin silk and create webs, boosting reputation with arachnids. |
Stringer (Confusing Venom) | Possess a tail stinger that confuses foes, while enhancing reputation with arachnids. |
Stinger (Paralyzing Venom) | Possess a tail stinger that paralyzes opponents, also improving reputation with arachnids. |
Stinger (Poisoning Venom) | Possess a tail stinger that poisons foes while enhancing reputation with arachnids. |
Thick Fur | Gain thick fur for protection against harsh weather conditions. |
Triple-Jointed | Your joints enable greater flexibility, enhancing your agility. |
Two-Headed | Having two heads reduces mental action costs and allows a chance to shake off negative mental status effects each round. |
Two-Hearted | Having two hearts increases your toughness and duration for sprints. |
Wings | Grow wings that allow you to fly while gaining significant reputation points with birds. |
Physical Defects
Mutation |
Description |
Albino | Adopt an albino appearance, resulting in a slower regeneration rate in daylight. |
Amphibious | Must keep your skin wet, otherwise, you’ll need to pour water on yourself to avoid dehydration, while earning reputation with frogs. |
Brittle Bones | Take increased damage from bludgeoning and falling. |
Carnivorous | Your diet consists solely of meat, and you can eat raw meat without issue. |
Cold Blooded | Your health is influenced by temperature, granting you reputation with unshelled reptiles. |
Electromagnetic Impulse | Release electromagnetic pulses involuntarily, which can deactivate nearby machinery. |
Hooks for Feet | Your feet transform into hooks, preventing you from wearing shoes. |
Irritable Genome | Mutation points will randomize when spent, and purchasing a new mutation yields a random selection instead of a choice. |
Myopic | Your vision range is limited due to nearsightedness. |
Nerve Poppy | Lack of pain sensitivity results in ambiguous HP awareness. |
Spontaneous Combustion | Occasionally burst into flames without warning. |
Tonic Allergy | Experience allergic reactions to tonics. |
Mental Mutations
Mutation |
Description |
Beguiling | Charm nearby creatures to serve you. |
Burgeoning | Influence plants to grow in your vicinity, obstructing enemies. |
Clairvoyance | Catch a brief glimpse of a nearby area. |
Confusion | Create confusion among foes. |
Cryokinesis | Utilize mental strength to chill objects. |
Disintegration | Disintegrate nearby objects with your mind. |
Domination | Control a nearby creature’s movements, leaving your body dormant. |
Ego Projection | Engage in physical feats using your willpower. |
Force Bubble | Create a protective force field surrounding you. |
Force Wall | Summon a wall of force for protection. |
Kindle | Ignite fire using mental capabilities. |
Light Manipulation | Manipulate light, including forming it into damaging lasers. |
Mass Mind | Steal power from other espers to refresh your mental mutations. |
Mental Mirror | Reflect mental assaults back at the attacker. |
Precognition | Glance into the future, allowing you to relive past choices. |
Psychometry | Gain insight into artifacts by touching them, facilitating security door opening. |
Pyrokinesis | Warm areas using your mental capacity. |
Sense Psychic | Detect nearby mental mutants and identify threats. |
Space-Time Vortex | Open a vortex that destroys objects in its path and teleport randomly within Qud. |
Stunning Force | Stun nearby enemies with your mental powers. |
Syphon Vim | Tap into a nearby creature’s life force. |
Telepathy | Communicate with individuals through visions, aiding in command decisions. |
Teleport Other | Move others to a nearby location instantly. |
Teleportation | Instantly move to a nearby location. |
Temporal Fugue | Travel back and forth through time, creating multiple yous. |
Time Dilation | Slow down time to hinder enemies. |
Mental Defects
Mutation |
Description |
Amnesia | Forget valuable information about secret locations or maps. |
Blinking Tic | Teleport uncontrollably, with random nearby destinations. |
Dystechnia | Find yourself confused by technology, leading to disastrous artifact examinations. |
Evil Twin | An evil version of yourself seeks to eliminate you, potentially appearing in new locations. |
Narcolepsy | Uncontrollable bouts of sleep lasting up to 29 rounds during combat. |
Psionic Migraines | Head sensitivity prevents you from wearing hats or helmets. |
Quantum Jitters | Using abilities might create disturbances in spacetime, causing random vortices. |
Socially Repugnant | Struggle with social interactions, leading to a poor reputation across all factions. |