US Army AI System Will Help Humans Talk to Robots

The army of the United States has released the details about the latest developed US Army AI System that will enable humans and robots to have a proper conversation.

This news system has a technology called ‘Fluid Communication‘, which will bridge the gap between soldiers and AI conversation. As per the US Army, refers to this new development, JUDI (Joint Understanding and Dialogue Interface). By allowing talks between machines and humans, US Army personnel say that humans and robots will be able to work together at operational speeds.

Speech conversation is indeed easy when it comes to human to human, but having almost a real-life conversation with a robot takes a little bit more time. As of now, the US Army AI System JUDI isn’t ready to be used on the battlefield, but we will soon see it in use in army operations.

JUDI ai system US army
US Army

Army Research Laboratory has developed the interface with help from the University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies.

While talking to Dr. Matthew Marge, research scientist at the Army Research Laboratory said;

The latest technology will enable conversational speech between humans and robots. Soldiers will be able to control the devices with their voice (speech). In reply to that, the Robot will keep updating the solider and keep having conversations to make difficult situations easily. AI will enable it to have a more humanistic conversation approach rather than a pre-specified bot.

Dr. Matthew Marge

So the latest system JUDI is similar to other AI systems such as Google and Siri? US army explained that they have created the AI system that is friendly while working on physical activity, which doesn’t even need a cloud connection.


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