24 Old Versions Of Famous Websites / Webpages – ( Edition)

Famous website with their older version of web pages. It is the version then and now, of the 24 top websites in the world when they started back in the day.

1. Amazon.com (1995)

2. Google.com (1996)

3. Facebook.com (2004)

4. Yahoo.com (1994)

5. Youtube.com (2005)

6. Wikipedia.org (2001)

7. MSN.com (1995)

8. Apple.com (1997)

9. Tumblr.com (2007)

10. Telegraph.co.uk (1994)

11. BBC.co.uk (1996)

12. CNN.com (1996)

13. Twitter.com (2006)

14. eBay.com (1995)

15. LinkedIn.com (2003)

16. Flickr.com (2004)

17. Blogger.com (1999)

18. Nytimes.com (1995)

19. Dell.com (1996)

20. Instagram.com (2010)

21. Reddit.com (2005)

22. Pinterest.com (2010)

23. Buzzfeed.com (2006)

24. Foursquare.com (2009)

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