7 Psychology Tricks Used In Apple Event

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Apple Events draw on an average of 2.7 million viewers. Here are the 7 tricks they actively use in their events.

1. Everything in Bold Colors

Recently, they used a bold rainbow on a bright sunny day to divert the viewers' attention.

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2. Using Power Words

Recently, they used a bold rainbow on a bright sunny day to divert the viewers' attention.

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3. Color Framing

Apple uses vivid colors so that they can have the attention of their users continuously.

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4. Use of Music

They use different music for different products so people can relate to that sound when they hear it somewhere.

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5. Expert Launch

They do not hire any celebrity or influencer to launch their products. Instead, they hire experts who can give in-depth details in easy words.

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6. Advertisements

After a small intro before the launch, they show an extended advertisement version of that product to give more information.

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7. Matching

People they show in the advertisements are often seen wearing clothes that have a similar color to the product, giving them a reason to relate the product to their daily life.

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