China To 3D Print A 590-Foot Dam

AI-powered design and no human labor will be used to 3D-print a massive dam in Tibet. It will generate 5 billion kWh of electricity per year.

Tsinghua University's lab of hydroscience and engineering initiated the project 10 years ago with the goal of building the world's largest 3D printer. 3D houses are printed today on a much smaller scale than that.

A 180-meter-tall dam would be built one slice (layer) at a time, in a precise, systematic manner, like a consumer-level 3D printer.

It will be more difficult than it appears to replace human workers with robots guided by artificial intelligence. Although robots can work in dangerous conditions, they could be faster and more precise.

It is expected that there will be a large number of engineers and staff on-site due to terrain and weather conditions. Humans will be required to deal with any situation that can't be handled by robots.

If the project can be completed by 2024, that would be incredibly impressive.

The 3D-printing revolution is rapidly reshaping the way things are made, as we've recently covered.

Occasionally, it's with high-tech materials and intricate details, and now it could be with something enormous built at a record-breaking speed.