As you work on revitalizing Winter’s Edge in Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter, Tuck seeks your assistance in finding a captivating centerpiece to draw customers into his shop, Tuck’s Emporium. But before he can start selling items, you must track down a remarkable creature to serve as the ultimate attraction for Tuck’s opening day.
Before you can meet the Bird Beast and secure a trophy for Tuck, you’ll need to gather ingredients to set a trap. What better way to catch a giant bird than to entice it with the aroma of a scrumptious meal?
How to Assist Tuck in Opening His Emporium
After completing the Return Of The Bats and Hammer and Tongs quests, you can choose from three different missions, one of which is Tuck’s Emporium. Your goal is to help Tuck launch a shop offering general goods and trinkets, but he needs something spectacular for his grand opening: the head of a beast.
Accompany Tuck to the Outskirts and head left toward Mossburg Farm, where a farmer will provide you with information about the creature you’re hunting. Continue left with Tuck until you come across two Baby Mudwyrms that you must defeat. These enemies are vulnerable to Fire and Electric attacks, so don’t hesitate to utilize your Elementa powers to take them down efficiently.
Cross the bridge, then squeeze into a small cave with a ladder leading downward into Blackfoot Caverns.
Where to Find the Electric Elementa Upgrade
Keep descending, using grappling hooks and sliding down walls to minimize fall damage. Before the final slide down, head left to collect the Electric Elementa Power Up, which enhances its damage output. This upgrade will be crucial for the upcoming battle, so be sure to grab it from the small room where it’s tucked away.
Once you have the upgrade, mine some nearby ore for additional materials. When you reach the bottom, Tuck will need your help to get some fruit. Use your bow to knock it down.
With the Blood Fruit in hand, you’ll be confronted by four Bird Beast Chicks (weak to Ice and Electric). Dispatch them and retrace your steps out of the caverns. Tuck will be waiting at the entrance and will then head to Long Fang Castle to set the trap for the beast. Make sure to follow him.
Preparing for the Encounter
As you travel, you’ll find a clue about what’s next. Get ready to use ice and electric weapons for the battle ahead. Trade with the merchant if needed, then move on to the next area and take down three more Bird Beast Chicks.
How to Defeat the Bird Beast
Ascend the scaffolding in the next area to help Tuck set the trap with the Blood Fruit you gathered earlier. The screen will darken as the Bird Beast swoops in, attempting to swipe at you with its claws multiple times.
Dodge and run away from the swoops until the beast lands, allowing you to strike back.
Utilize your Electric Elementa to stun the Bird Beast and follow up with powerful attacks. The Bird Beast will claw the ground and set it ablaze; avoid the fire as you regroup and prepare your next moves. After utilizing your Electric Elementa, switch to your Ice Elementa to freeze the beast and unleash further damage.
Once you have weakened the Bird Beast, it will retreat off-screen and start dropping bomb eggs. Dodge these bombs and wait for its return to the fray. After defeating the beast, you’ll claim the Golden Beak, Tuck’s prize for his shop’s grand opening.
What Rewards Await at Tuck’s Emporium?
In addition to the Golden Beak, you’ll unlock the Bird Blueprint, which opens up access to Bird-themed weapons and armor at the Smithy, including these items:
- Rough Bird Axe
- Rough Bird Shield
- Rough Bird Helmet
- Rough Bird Armor
With your inventory now brimming with new gear, return to Winter’s Edge and construct the Shop Base with these materials:
- One Golden Beak
- Five Wooden Logs
- Five Stones
- Five Small Bones
- Ten Gold
Once the new shop is established, the quest “Tuck’s Emporium” will be successfully completed.