After the devastation of Winter’s Edge, your mission in Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter is to restore your shattered kingdom from the ground up. You’ll need to gather, manage, and develop the essential resources for your realm to flourish.
This ambitious job requires assistance, so your first step is to recruit a builder. With a chef and a blacksmith on standby, you also need to confront the Darkwing menace threatening the nearby settlements at the Outskirts. Being the Warden just got a lot more challenging.
Getting Started with a Builder’s Yard
After finishing the missions to Recruit Chef and Recruit Smith, head back to your throne in Winter’s Edge to begin A Builder’s Yard.
Leif suggests venturing to Mossbug Farm in The Outskirts to locate a builder. You can reach it via the docks or by leaving through the main gates of Winter’s Edge.
Upon arrival, turn left and pick up a Silver Runestone key on the ground. Place it into the receptacle in front of a nearby tomb.
There are three other receptacles, but you don’t have all the Runestones yet.
Continue left towards Mossbug Farm. Enter the building on the left and speak with the Elder.
You’ll be instructed to find a Beaver nearby whose building permits need verification.
Progress further left, exit the village, and defeat a Bird Beast Chick to rescue a frightened farmer.
Keep moving left and upwards through some ruins to get to the next marker where the Beaver is located.
Acquiring the Poison Elementa
You will encounter a magical statue that grants Arlo a new ability: the Poison Elementa. As always, some foes will be present for you to test your skills.
The Poison Elementa generates a toxic branch that will poison your targeted enemy.
Continue left and defeat another Backstabber while tracking the possibly hurt beaver.
Before entering the final area, you’ll find a merchant to restock supplies for the upcoming encounter.
Strategies to Overcome the Backstabber Mother
Your chase for the beaver will lead you to the far left side of the map, where a Backstabber Mother awaits your arrival.
This adversary is vulnerable to poison, so make good use of your new poison magic or any poisoned weapons you have equipped.
Be sure to dodge the Backstabber Mother’s ground slams and watch out for the electric residue on the ground while delivering counterattacks after her moves.
Once you manage to poison this enemy, it won’t be difficult to defeat her.
After defeating the Backstabber Mother, collect the Backstabber Fang and then examine the Beaver who was pretending to be dead during the fight.
Rewards from the Builder’s Yard
Upon completing your conversation, you’ll receive the Backstabber Blueprint along with the following items:
- Old Hunter’s Spear
- Natural Hunter Shield
- Natural Hunter Cap
- Rough Hunter Armor
Return to Winter’s Edge and meet the Beaver near the castle door to discover the four areas available for construction and upgrades in Winter’s Edge.
Establish your Builder’s Yard Base to complete your quest.