The Ingenuity Utility Belt is a valuable item for late-game players in Path of Exile 2. It offers a distinctive range of effects that can enhance nearly any build, making it a crucial addition to your gear for powerful boosts in your endgame setup.
However, obtaining the Ingenuity Utility Belt can be quite challenging. You’ll need to defeat a tough endgame boss for a chance to acquire it, and even then, it’s not guaranteed to drop. That said, it’s definitely worth the effort to strengthen your endgame build. Here’s how to track down the Ingenuity Utility Belt in Path of Exile 2.
How to Acquire the Ingenuity Utility Belt
Securing an Audience with the King
To get a shot at the Ingenuity Utility Belt, you’ll first need to defeat a boss called the King in the Mists. But before that, you have to find a rare item known as An Audience with the King. Like the belt, this item only becomes available after you’ve completed the campaign on both Normal and Cruel difficulties and have accessed the endgame through the Atlas of Worlds.
One of the unique endgame features you’ll encounter is the Altar of Favors, which operates like a shop allowing you to purchase map nodes and events instead of items. Keep in mind that Altars of Favors only accept Tribute as payment, so you’ll need to gather enough before you can buy an Audience (if one is available). Tribute can be acquired by successfully completing Ritual events on the Atlas. Generally, An Audience with the King will cost between 2,900 and 3,700 Tribute, although you can reduce this cost by delaying your purchase.
If you’d prefer a faster option, you can also purchase an Audience through the online trade portal or Currency Exchange in Path of Exile 2. Prices can vary but tend to be on the higher side. Still, if you can budget for it, this method can help you avoid a lot of Tribute grinding and Altar luck.
If you’re willing to invest, you can also buy an Ingenuity Utility Belt on the trade market, but keep in mind that it will likely be even pricier than the Audience.
Once you’ve secured An Audience with the King, head back to the Realmgate. This will open a portal to The Crux of Nothingness, where you’ll confront the King in the Mists. However, before you engage, follow the steps below to ensure you’re ready.
How to Defeat the King in the Mists
The King in the Mists presents a tough, two-phase boss battle filled with complex mechanics. During the initial phase, focus on quickly destroying the totems he summons to prevent taking damage over time. Avoid his attacks and keep moving to avoid his root effects. He will sometimes teleport around the arena and summon adds near his Mystic Fetishes – make sure to eliminate these quickly to avoid getting swarmed.
When you reduce his health to 25%, the King will transport you to a maze-like area. Follow the floating lights to navigate out, leading you into the second phase of battle.
In the second phase, the King in the Mists unleashes more Area of Effect (AoE) attacks. One significant attack to watch for is a tornado, which, if it connects, will break your armor. Keep dodging and moving to avoid getting rooted, and stay alert for the frogs and explosive purple blobs he conjures on the battlefield. As you chip away at his health, you’ll eventually claim one of five unique items in his loot table:
- Ingenuity Utility Belt
- Pragmatism Explorer Armor
- From Nothing Diamond
- The Burden of Shadows Chiming Staff
- Beetlebite Velour Shoes
Keep in mind that the difficulty level at which you fight the King in the Mists influences your chances of obtaining these items. Higher difficulty levels generally increase your odds, but note that the From Nothing Diamond only drops at level four, which might reduce your chances of getting the Ingenuity Utility Belt at that level.
How to Utilize the Ingenuity Utility Belt
Synergy with Equipment
You can equip the Ingenuity Utility Belt just like any other piece of gear in Path of Exile 2. It features a single charm slot for any charm you wish to equip, and more importantly, it provides two permanent bonuses:
- 20% of your Flask recovery is applied instantly
- Bonuses from your equipped rings are amplified by 40-80%
This means that each time you use a Life or Mana Flask, you’ll receive part of the healing right away instead of over time. More significantly, the Belt enhances the effectiveness of your equipped rings. This creates excellent synergy for practically any build in PoE 2. As long as you have appropriate rings for your character, this belt will elevate their qualities even further.
That covers everything you need to know about the Ingenuity Utility Belt in Path of Exile 2. Although it might require significant effort and a bit of luck to obtain, the rewards of having it in your arsenal are well worth it. So, make sure to seek one out as you explore the endgame of Path of Exile 2.