Echo farming has been a staple activity in Wuthering Waves, and the recent 2.0 update has introduced an exciting new challenge: Nightmare Echoes. These revamped versions of older Overlord bosses not only have enhanced attack power but also offer more significant rewards compared to their previous iterations. While most of these bosses can be easily unlocked, a few require a bit more effort.
As of the 2.0 update, there are seven Nightmare Echoes to seek out. It’s wise to farm these for characters you’ve already developed, as well as future ones that share the same elemental attributes as the bosses.
How to Unlock Nightmare Echoes
Unlocking five out of the seven Nightmare Echoes is quite straightforward. You’ll need to complete the Dream Patrol 1 tutorial quest, which becomes available early on as you explore Ragunna City. Find the peculiar white cat perched on a roof in the southwest area of the city, and you will gain access to the following Nightmare bosses:
- Nightmare: Feilian Beringal
- Nightmare: Thundering Mephis
- Nightmare: Impermanence Heron
- Nightmare: Mourning Aix
- Nightmare: Inferno Rider
Please note: You can’t fast travel to these new bosses until you encounter them on the map for the first time, but after that, you can fight them repeatedly.
Important: Nightmare Echo bosses do not drop Ascension materials, and you can’t use Waveplates after defeating them, although you’ll receive a one-time reward for your initial victory.
Nightmare Echoes respawn under the same conditions as regular Overlord bosses. Once you’ve defeated them for the first time, they will reappear after about 30 seconds. Additionally, like their predecessors, there’s no guaranteed way to farm specific stats from them—you’ll need a bit of luck on your side.
Unlocking the remaining two Nightmare Echoes involves a more intricate process.
How to Unlock Nightmare Tempest Mephis
Obtaining the Nightmare: Tempest Mephis requires completing a three-step procedure. First, you must complete the three stele challenges located in the Fagaceae Peninsula to activate an Exploration Quest titled Where Wind Returns to Celestial Realms. Starting this quest will lift the severe storm that blocks access to a later part of the Nightmare unlock requirements.
The stele challenges consist of standing in a designated spot around an altar to fill a progress meter. If any Tacet Discords enter the radius, your progress will regress, and you’ll need to defeat every wave to clear the stele.
Once you tackle all three challenges, head back to the Shores of Last Breath, where you can interact with the dormant Lumiscale Construct. Upon doing so, it will activate and attack you. Once its health reaches 65%, it will retreat into the ruins, which clears away the storm.
Next, you’ll need to follow the construct to the top of the ruins and battle it until it reaches 10% health. At that point, a Dragon of Dirge variant will appear for you to defeat.
Lastly, you will also need to encounter the four Dream Patrol challenges in the Fagaceae Peninsula. There’s no need to complete them; simply encountering them is sufficient to unlock the Nightmare: Tempest Mephis.
How to Unlock Nightmare Crownless
Unlocking the Nightmare Crownless is the most challenging task of all. It requires both completing Dream Patrol challenges and an entire side quest that opens up the Dream Patrols.
Begin your journey by moving to some ruins in the northwestern area of Penitent’s Rest, where you’ll trigger the Quest of Faith sidequest upon hearing dialogue from an unknown voice. This quest involves visiting four ruins around the mountain and defeating the enemies located there.
In each arena, there are multiple torches to light. From the second arena onward, you’ll need to maintain the torches’ lit status while your knight adversary engages you. The Fae Ignis monsters will have a fire attack that keeps the torches ablaze. By the time you reach the final fights, you’ll need to manage the position of the Fae Ignis while also dealing with the knight enemy and ensuring the torches remain lit.
At the conclusion of each battle, collect the writings found on the ground marked by a yellow glow. Upon completing the quest, the white cat will inform you to challenge the Dream Patrol arenas. Once you have encountered all four, you will gain access to Nightmare: Dreamless.
Locating Nightmare Echoes and Their Benefits
After you unlock them, you can find the Nightmare Echoes scattered throughout Rinacita, each offering enhanced buffs compared to their original versions. Here’s a quick look at each and the bonuses they provide:
Nightmare Echo | Sonata Effect | Buff Description |
Thundering Mephis | Void Thunder | 12% Electro Damage bonus and 12% Resonance Liberation Damage bonus. |
Tempest Mephis | Void Thunder | 12% Electro Damage bonus and 12% Resonance Liberation Damage bonus. |
Inferno Rider | Molten Rift | 12% Fusion Damage bonus and 12% Resonance Skill Damage bonus when equipped as a primary Echo. |
Mourning Aix | Eternal Radiance | 12% Fusion Damage bonus when equipped as a primary Echo. |
Impermanence Heron | Midnight Void | 12% Havoc Damage bonus and 12% Heavy Attack Damage bonus. |
Feilian Beringal | Sierra Gale | 12% Aero Damage bonus and 12% Heavy Attack Damage bonus when equipped as a primary Echo. |
Crownless | Havoc Clipse | 12% Havoc Damage bonus and 12% Basic Attack Damage bonus. |
With this knowledge, you’re well-equipped to tackle the Nightmare Echoes in Wuthering Waves. Good luck on your journey!