Hello Kitty Island Adventure is a charming game overall, but some parts can really challenge your thinking skills. A big reason for this is the puzzle rooms scattered throughout the game, starting from the very beginning.
The first area you’ll explore is Seaside Resort, which features five puzzle rooms. Most of these can be accessed with a companion by your side, although one room requires a Star Fragment to unlock.
Beginners Bridge Puzzle Room Guide
The first puzzle room you’ll face is likely after chatting with Chococat, who will send you on a mission to find Power Crystals. Two of these crystals can be found in two different puzzle rooms at Seaside Resort, with the first one being located in the Beginners Bridge room. This puzzle is pretty simple.
Approach the cube on the left side of the gate where you start, and pick it up. Move it to the right side of the gate and place it down in front of the pressure pad. This action will unlock the stairs leading to a chest, and you can climb the dark purple wall on the left to collect the crystal.
Crystal Conundrum Puzzle Room Guide
The second Power Crystal is hidden in the bottom left puzzle room known as Crystal Conundrum, which ramps up the difficulty. Start by picking up the cube on the pressure pad with a circle and placing it on the triangle pressure pad near the entrance.
Next, you can jump down to the lower area, grab the cube there, and return it to the top. Set both cubes on the circular platforms, and the door to the crystal will open. After securing the crystal, you can jump down from the top area to find a chest below.
Use the dark purple wall next to the chest to climb back up and exit the room.
Flipflop Flight Puzzle Room Guide
Located just above the previous room, Flipflop Flight introduces you to a new type of cube. As you enter, grab the red cube first and place it near the high ledge to the left of the door. Once you do that, a new option will appear in the bottom right to activate its special feature.
When activated, the cube will create a wind current that allows you to glide up while ballooning. Use it to reach the cube on the top left ledge. After that, put both normal cubes on their respective pressure plates, and use the red cube near the right ledge to access the main chest.
Button Bouncearound Puzzle Room Guide
This is probably the toughest room in Seaside Resort, situated on the bottom left side. Upon entering, you’ll see three different types of gates. Start by picking up the cube in the main area and placing it on the circular plate to unlock another cube on the left side.
Then, place both of your cubes on the heart pressure plates to open the middle door and retrieve the third cube. Bring this cube back to the main area and set it on the circular plate. This will open both the heart and the top right circular door.
Go to the top right door and collect the fourth cube, which you should then place on the triangle plate.
Finally, grab the cube from the circular plate in the main area and set it on the other triangle plate, unlocking the last door and revealing the chest.
Platform Passoff Puzzle Room Guide
The final room in Seaside Resort is located on a small group of islands in the top right corner. To access it, you’ll need a Star Fragment, which can be obtained by opening the reserve in the swamp. Once you have the fragment, head back to this room to get started.
To complete this challenge, first remove the regular cube from the plate and place the green one deeper into the room on it. Take the normal cube up the stairs and leave it there, then jump back down. Now, place the green cube in the first gap at the top and activate its special ability.
The green cube raises a pillar to the top and creates a bridge over the gap, so it’s important to position it correctly.
The bridge made by the green cube should completely cover the gap since you can’t jump with the cube in hand. Once you’ve placed it right, use the dark purple wall to climb up and take the normal cube beyond the first gap. Repeat this process for the second gap to finally obtain the last chest in the puzzle room.