The Tysis is one of the earlier secondary weapons available in Warframe. It was initially introduced in Update 11.7 and is an Infested pistol that launches explosive darts, applying a variety of status effects to enemies, particularly Corrosive damage. This makes the Tysis a reliable choice for taking down challenging bosses or weakening lesser foes.
Although it has fallen out of favor over the years, the Tysis remains a formidable weapon, especially when you invest in endgame mods and Forma. In this guide, we’ll explore how to transform the Tysis into a robust secondary weapon for high-level missions, including its stats and optimal builds.
How to Craft the Tysis
You can create the Tysis by buying its blueprint from the in-game marketplace. The main blueprint is available for 30,000 Credits, and you can purchase it at any time. To use this weapon, you need to be at least Mastery Rank 9. Below are the crafting requirements for the Tysis.
Tysis Crafting Requirements |
2 Neurodes |
400 Plastids |
900 Nano Spores |
100 Polymer Bundle |
Credit Cost: 30,000 |
Build Time: 24 Hours |
Tysis Stats and Features
Tysis Stats |
Base Damage |
Impact |
9 |
Puncture |
23 |
Slash |
17 |
Corrosive |
27 (x3) |
Total |
130 |
Other Damage Stats |
Multishot |
1 |
Fire Rate |
2.5 |
Critical Chance |
3% |
Critical Multiplier |
1.5x |
Status / Projectile |
50% |
Misc. |
Weapon Type |
Pistol |
Trigger Type |
Semi |
Accuracy |
Very High |
Magazine |
11 |
Reload Speed |
1.2 Seconds |
MR Requirement |
Mastery Rank 9 |
The Tysis operates as a semi-automatic pistol that shoots explosive darts which stick to enemies before exploding, delivering a Corrosive damage-over-time (DoT) effect after a short duration. Though it starts with relatively low base damage for a secondary weapon, it has a remarkable 50% status chance. The projectiles deal 27 Corrosive damage per second for three seconds and carry over the weapon’s 50% status chance, allowing for numerous status effects if built correctly.
Essentially, the Tysis excels at applying status effects. While it might lack strong damage output or critical statistics, its performance can significantly improve with Galvanized mods once you reach the endgame, particularly with Galvanized Shot.
Tysis Build
For now, we’re focusing on a standard status primer build for the base Tysis until the CODA variant releases with the Infested Liches in 1999. If you’re not keen on the Zakti and are looking for a solid single-target priming weapon, this build should serve you well. We’ll update this guide once the CODA variant is available.
Status Primer Build
This build doesn’t utilize any Forma, yet the Tysis becomes surprisingly effective once Galvanized mods are available. Before that, standard mod combinations will suffice, although it may make it challenging to clear Steel Path content.
Among the most powerful mods in this build is Galvanized Shot, as it boosts base damage based on the status effects present on the target. We also recommend three elemental mods—pick the ones you prefer but try to use element/status hybrids like Frostbite and Scorch—to diversify your damage output. Adding some multishot with Galvanized Diffusion and Lethal Torrent will allow the Tysis to apply multiple status effects in a short time.
For elemental combinations, Viral + Heat is ideal for most scenarios. Corrosive already reduces enemy armor, and adding Viral helps scale health damage, creating a lethal duo. Blast is also an excellent choice due to the high number of status effects inflicted. Choose whichever elements best target the weaknesses of the factions you encounter.