Kingdoms Mode in Darkest Dungeon 2: A Player’s Guide
Kingdoms is an exciting new mode introduced in Darkest Dungeon 2, leaving many players curious about how to effectively navigate its Sieges, heroes, and enhancements. This free game mode launched alongside the DLC Inhuman Bondage takes cues from the original Darkest Dungeon while offering its own unique flair. Imagine it as an expanded version of the Confessions mode, complete with an expansive world map and many more elements to oversee.
Although the game provides some guidance, Kingdoms is filled with subtleties and intricacies to master, akin to most newly introduced game modes. It’s crucial to prepare well since Kingdoms can be unforgiving even for seasoned players, particularly on easier difficulties. However, with the right approach, you can pave the way to success.
Getting Started in Kingdoms Mode
Prioritize Objectives and Sieges
Your main focus in Kingdoms should be completing the objectives, as this will eventually lead you to confront the boss and increase your chances of finishing the campaign. Pay close attention to the quest items you acquire along the way, and don’t overlook the messages that appear when you reach Inns.
While progressing toward objectives is important, there are moments when it might be beneficial to explore alternative routes in a region rather than sticking strictly to the designated path. Just make sure not to delay your primary objectives for too long.
For instance, after winning initial battles and reaching an Inn, you’ll obtain the Spyglass. This item prompts you to seek out an "elevated vantage point." Make sure to equip it on your stagecoach and search for a Watchtower while in regions like The Tangle to progress.
As you advance, you’ll also receive the Ambulance Designation, which instructs you to scout for Field Medics and Merchants. While navigating a place like The Tangle, look for Hospitals (two are required) to acquire the Healers item, which you can deliver to an Inn to continue your journey.
Understanding Sieges
Sieges are indicated on the right side of your screen. By clicking the Siege icon, you can view them on the world map along with a countdown of days remaining to address them.
Remember: You don’t have to tackle every Siege personally. Allow other Heroes and Barracks units to assist. Your main party should focus on enhancing Inns and unlocking Underground networks.
Days are displayed in the top left corner of the screen. Clicking the "refresh" icon beneath the number enables your party to rest as needed. This is a great way to recuperate without cost, provided you’re ready for upcoming Sieges.
Preparing for Sieges
To best prepare for Sieges, make sure the besieged Inn has its Barracks upgraded accordingly. For example:
- For Escalation 1, you’ll need at least Conscripts,
- For Escalation 2, Partisans should suffice,
- And for Escalation 3, aim for Veterans.
You can enhance your defense by sending heroes to Inns with Sieges by clicking the hero icons near the Siege markers. Generally, sending one or two heroes works best, allowing some to remain available for other Sieges or to backfill in case your main heroes need replacement.
If an Inn under siege lacks Barracks upgrades, you have the option to let it be taken or send your primary party. If it has partial upgrades, consider sending in heroes not belonging to your main lineup, especially if they’ve earned Mastery points.
Remember that heroes can follow you during Sieges. This can be beneficial if a hero in your party becomes incapacitated, or if you need to rest fatigued heroes. Just be cautious, as they won’t carry Mastery upgrades and may require additional Inn materials to improve.
Maintain Inn Upgrades
Aim to upgrade your Inns to ensure they can defend against Sieges, preserve your heroes, avoid areas underground for now, and concentrate on long-term strategic gains.
After advancing through a region like The Shroud, you may encounter Fatigue ranging from 5% to 10%. This mechanic affects your heroes’ maximum health, so staying vigilant is crucial. Combat fatigue by rotating heroes in your party when necessary, allowing the passage of days, visiting the Physician and/or Hospital, resting at camp, or utilizing items available in Darkest Dungeon 2’s Inns.
Focus on Inn Upgrades
Inn upgrades are specific to each Inn, which means you’ll need to upgrade each one individually. However, be sure to check which Inns already have upgrades before making further decisions. When beginning the campaign, survey the map and identify Inns with existing upgrades. Prioritize enhancement points for those facilities; for example, designate an Inn that offers Physician points as your ‘Physician Inn’ and focus your upgrades there. Only make exceptions if the advantages significantly outweigh the costs.
In the early game, concentrate on enhancing the Barracks and Mastery Trainer sections to improve your chances in battles. For Barracks, prioritize Conscript Support, Signal Flare I, and Partisan Training as soon as possible. For Mastery, look for Specialist Instructor and Gymnasium.
Upgrades in the Barracks are crucial for defending Inns. While Partisan Training provides a solid foundation, Veteran Specialization becomes essential in Escalation 3. Flares can also summon reinforcements in fights, although this tactic may not always be worth the effort.
Sending Heroes Effectively
Throughout the world map, you’ll find small hero icons that allow you to spawn and send chosen heroes to nearby locations. Just be aware that it takes them a day or two to arrive.
Sending heroes serves as a valuable backup plan in case one of your main heroes is incapacitated. If you’re situated nearby, they can swap in seamlessly, giving you a significant advantage. Additionally, sending in reinforcements for fatigued heroes can be vital if you’re short on items or a Physician.
You can dispatch a hero to an Inn by selecting their portrait, but keep in mind the travel time of one day.
Another critical reason to send heroes into action is to bolster defenses during Sieges. By deploying them to the Inn being attacked, you can efficiently defend against Sieges when you have adequate backup. Generally, it’s best to have them support Barracks units, but in exceptional circumstances, you could dispatch a full squad of four to defend an Inn.
With these essentials, you’re well-equipped to enjoy Kingdoms in Darkest Dungeon 2. Keep in mind that more strategies and insights will emerge as you delve deeper into the gameplay, so stay open to learning as you explore!