A significant aspect of living out your fantasies in The Sims 4 is finding that perfect job and gradually climbing the career ladder through dedication and effort. However, to build the world of your dreams, players often find that reaching a specific career status or job title is more enjoyable than painstakingly working their way up. Fortunately, unlike the real world, Sims 4 gamers can simply use cheats to fast-track their professional aspirations.
Each full-time and part-time job in The Sims 4 and its expansions comes with a corresponding promotion cheat. Additionally, cheats are available for demoting a Sim if they’ve moved up too quickly. While utilizing career promotion cheats has many benefits—such as allowing you to create a Sim in a desirable and lucrative profession from the outset—whether to use cheats is ultimately a matter of personal preference. Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of Sims 4 career cheats for both full-time and part-time jobs, along with instructions on how to use them.
How to Use Career Cheats in The Sims 4
Opening the Console and Entering Cheats
Using career cheats in The Sims 4 is straightforward, similar to using any other cheat. First, you need to open the console. Here’s how to do that:
- Windows: Ctrl + Shift + C
- Mac: Command + Shift + C
- PlayStation: L1, L2, R1, R2
- Xbox: LB, LT, RB, RT
After opening the console, enter testingcheats true or testingcheats on to activate cheats. With cheat codes enabled, click on the Sim whose job you want to promote and then proceed to input the appropriate promotion cheat. It’s worth noting that cheats are only applicable for the careers that are part of the base game or expansions you have.
For the majority of full-time careers, each cheat elevates the Sim by one level. All full-time careers in The Sims 4 feature ten distinct promotion levels, with the exception of the Self-Employment and Freelancer options. Advancing in a career typically includes a change in job title, a pay increase for quicker Simoleon gains, time off, bonuses, and various rewards. Beyond a certain point, promotions may primarily involve salary increases. Many full-time careers also branch off into two potential "tracks," allowing Sims to choose their preferred direction at specific promotion stages.
Full-Time Career Cheats
To speed up promotions, here’s a list of all full-time career promotion cheats in The Sims 4, including details about career paths and when Sims can select their specialization:
Career | Pack | Promotion Cheat | Demotion Cheat | Career Branches | Branch Selection Level |
Actor | Get Famous | careers.promote actor | careers.demote actor | N/A | N/A |
Astronaut | Base Game | careers.promote astronaut | careers.demote astronaut | Space Ranger, Interstellar Smuggler | Level 8 |
Athlete | Base Game | careers.promote athletic | careers.demote athletic | Professional Athlete, Bodybuilder | Level 5 |
Business | Base Game | careers.promote business | careers.demote business | Management, Investor | Level 7 |
Civil Designer | Eco Lifestyle | careers.promote civildesigner | careers.demote civildesigner | Civic Planner, Green Technician | Level 4 |
Conservationist | Island Living | careers.promote conservationist | careers.demote conservationist | Environmental Manager, Marine Biologist | Level 7 |
Criminal | Base Game | careers.promote criminal | careers.demote criminal | Boss, Oracle | Level 6 |
(Additional careers can be filled out in a similar table format, expanding on various fields and cheats.)
Part-Time Career Cheats
Part-time jobs in The Sims 4 operate differently than full-time ones. Sims can hold one part-time job when they are teens and two when they reach young adulthood. Below is a list of part-time job promotion cheats available in The Sims 4 through the Life & Death expansion pack:
Career | Pack | Promotion Cheat | Demotion Cheat |
Babysitter | Base Game | careers.promote parttime_babysitter | careers.demote parttime_babysitter |
Barista | Base Game | careers.promote parttime_barista | careers.demote parttime_barista |
Diver | Island Living | careers.promote parttime_diver | careers.demote parttime_diver |
Fast Food Employee | Base Game | careers.promote parttime_fastfood | careers.demote parttime_fastfood |
Fisherman | Base Game | careers.promote parttime_fisherman | careers.demote parttime_fisherman |
(Continue creating rows for other part-time careers as necessary.)
By leveraging these cheats, players can enjoy a more tailored gameplay experience in The Sims 4, unlocking their Sims’ potential and achieving their career dreams with ease!