The Battle Leagues in Pokémon GO provide trainers the opportunity to engage in player-versus-player combat. However, achieving victory can be tough if your team isn’t well-constructed. Each of the three leagues—Great League, Ultra League, and Master League—has its own set of rules and power restrictions, requiring you to assemble the most effective team of Pokémon tailored to each league’s challenges.
The first tier is the Great League, followed by the Ultra League, and topping it all is the Master League. In the Master League, any Pokémon can be used without restrictions on CP, but the other two leagues impose limits on Pokémon’s CP. This means even if you have powerful or rare Pokémon, they might be too strong to participate in the Great or Ultra Leagues.
Top Pokémon Teams for Great League
Extensive Options for Team Members
With a CP cap of 1,500 in the Great League, your choices of Pokémon are somewhat limited. Yet, this constraint opens up opportunities for Pokémon that wouldn’t normally see play in higher tiers. The competitive scene within this league is constantly evolving as new Pokémon become available through events in Pokémon GO.
When forming your team, it’s important to choose Pokémon that can cover each other’s weaknesses. Remember that you can only bring three Pokémon to fight in any league, so make each selection count. If your team has common vulnerabilities, you’ll struggle against opponents who possess the Pokémon that exploit those weaknesses.
As of now, some of the best team compositions for the Great League include:
Team |
Types |
Pros |
Cons |
This team has a strong type coverage that counters various popular choices in the Great League, with minimal shared weaknesses. |
The team tends to have more defensive capabilities than offensive, which may result in losing some endurance matches. |
Powerful attacks with moves like Earthquake, Air Slash, and Cross Chop enable this team to break through more robust Pokémon quickly. |
This team has limited durability and can be eliminated swiftly if faced with strong counters. |
This team’s defensive nature, combined with safe swap options, allows it to adapt easily during battles. |
Dunsparce may struggle against common Fighting-type threats, making this team vulnerable in specific scenarios. |
The Great League features a diverse array of Pokémon, so it’s beneficial to have multiple teams ready for action. Success in battle is imperative for advancing to the Ultra League, so don’t hesitate to try out various Pokémon combinations. Other strong contenders in the Great League include:
- Clodsire
- Morpeko (Full Belly)
- Shadow Feraligatr
- Dachsbun
- Shadow Marowak
- Talonflame
Top Pokémon Teams for Ultra League
Amplify Your Team’s Strength
In contrast to the Great League, you can utilize Pokémon with a maximum CP of 2,500 in the Ultra League. This flexibility broadens your options, allowing for the inclusion of Legendary Pokémon and fully evolved starters, which creates opportunities for powerful team compositions.
Here are some of the top-tier teams to deploy in Ultra League:
Team |
Types |
Pros |
Cons |
This very bulky team makes it hard for opponents to defeat, and it offers diverse type coverage with powerful moves. |
This lineup can struggle against teams where it only deals normal damage, as it’s designed to counter typical meta picks. |
This well-rounded team boasts impressive offensive and defensive capabilities, with a variety of moves for different match-ups. |
It can be overpowered by resilience-focused Ghost-types, such as Aegislash, and is vulnerable to Ice-types. |
This aggressive team excels offensively and effectively counters its main weaknesses. |
Gliscor is particularly weak to Ice-type Pokémon, and the setup includes several fragile Pokémon that can be taken down easily. |
- Primeape
- Zygarde (Complete Form)
- Registeel
- Cobalion
- Shadow Drapion
- Shadow Galarian Weezing
- Regirock
- Lickilicky
Top Pokémon Teams for Master League
Select Only the Most Powerful Pokémon
The Master League is unique in that it imposes no CP limits, presenting an array of escalated choices. However, it’s common to opt for Pokémon ranked above 2,500 CP to ensure you outmatch opponents. Accordingly, you’ll encounter Pokémon frequently exceeding 3,000 CP in this league, posing significant challenges for even the most skilled trainers.
Here are some of the most formidable team configurations for the Master League:
Team |
Types |
Pros |
Cons |
This powerful lineup comprises Legendary Pokémon with few weaknesses, offering solid durability and stamina. |
It may struggle against anti-meta selections that exploit specific weaknesses, like Garchomp against Necrozma or Rhyperior targeting Yveltal. |
This team is designed to effectively tackle meta threats within the Master League, featuring diverse moves from each member. |
This lineup has a distinct lack of three Legendary Pokémon, resulting in potentially lower stat values compared to others. |
This team packs incredible offensive punch and takes advantage of a wide range of weaknesses present in the Master League. |
Compared to other teams, this lineup may lack bulk, particularly vulnerable to Ice-type hits targeting Zygarde. |
In the Master League, many high-performing Pokémon can seamlessly swap in and out to create an effective team. It’s crucial to prioritize Pokémon with very high CP; thus, being selective is not an option. Other notable Pokémon you might consider for your Master League team include:
- Incarnate Forme Enamorus
- Mamoswine
- Garchomp
- Shadow Heatran
- Dusk Wings Necrozma
- Origin Forme Dialga
Trainers who excel in the Master League and secure enough victories may even achieve Legendary status, distinguishing themselves from competitors in the Great and Ultra Leagues. This represents a significant milestone in Pokémon GO, showing off your strategic prowess with an excellently built team.