The Triple Jump Boots in Palworld are a late-game accessory that dramatically improves navigation around the island. With these boots, players can perform three consecutive jumps in mid-air, enhancing movement control and enabling greater heights, wider gaps, and quick escapes from tricky locations. Although you could rely on a Pal for assistance, using the boots saves time and food resources by eliminating the need to summon one.
These boots represent a significant upgrade from the Double Jump Boots and serve as an alternative to the Double Air Dash Boots. Unlike typical footwear, the Triple Jump Boots occupy an accessory slot, which forces players to decide between enhanced mobility or other perks. This presents a noteworthy trade-off regarding their usage. In summary, they play a pivotal role in shaping how players traverse and discover the game world.
How To Create Triple Jump Boots In Palworld
How To Obtain & Unlock The Triple Jump Boots
To craft the Triple Jump Boots in Palworld, you must reach level 58 and conquer Feybreak Tower. This will unlock the blueprint for the advanced boots. You’ll need three Technology points to access the blueprint in the Technology section. After unlocking the blueprint, gather the following materials: 150 Paldium Fragments, 30 Hexolite, 50 Dark Fragments, and 50 Nightstar Sand.
Paldium Fragments can be mined or produced using a Crusher at your base. Hexolite, a new resource introduced in the Feybreak update, can be obtained by mining the vibrant crystals found along the beaches of Feybreak Island. To make Hexolite, combine Hexolite Quartz, Chromite, and Ore in a Gigantic Furnace, with Chromite being retrievable using a Metal Detector. For Dark Fragments, defeat Dark-type Pals commonly located on Feybreak Island, while Nightstar Sand can be harvested in desert regions or by locating bright spots at night.
Once you have all the necessary materials, you’ll need either a Production Assembly Line or a Production Assembly Line II to create the boots. With everything prepared and the blueprint at your disposal, you can craft the Triple Jump Boots at one of these workbenches. These boots are part of the new features incorporated in the Feybreak update.
How To Utilize Triple Jump Boots In Palworld
What To Do If Your Triple Jump Boots Aren’t Working
Using the Triple Jump Boots in Palworld is straightforward—just jump multiple times. If you’re only jumping once, double-check if you have the correct boots equipped. Remember, these boots occupy an accessory slot; if they aren’t equipped correctly, they won’t function. After properly equipping the boots, try jumping again, and they should work perfectly.
Each jump enhances your vertical reach, and utilizing all three jumps sequentially allows you to access higher areas, traverse gaps, and dodge ground hazards. This makes them essential for ascending cliffs and exploring the vertical terrain in Palworld. They are particularly advantageous on Feybreak Island, where flying is risky due to anti-air defenses, making these boots, paired with gliding techniques, a safer exploration option. When combined with the Anti-Gravity Belt, the Triple Jump Boots offer even greater verticality, allowing players to achieve astonishing heights.