In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the 6th Gym Leader, Byron, awaits in Canalave City. Byron specializes in Steel-type Pokemon with strong defensive stats. You will face and defeat him twice during the game. However, before battling Byron, you need to solve a platform puzzle in his gym. This guide will provide all the details you need about Byron and his team.
Byron Gym Location in Pokemon BDSP

Byron’s Gym is located in Canalave City in Pokemon BDSP. Initially, fast travel to the city is not available, so you must reach it from Jubilife City. Once inside the gym, head east and use the elevator to move up. Proceed forward until you reach two platforms. Take the northern platform to reach Byron and challenge him to a battle.
Canalave City Gym Puzzle Solution

To reach Byron, you must first solve an elevator puzzle. This puzzle involves navigating various platforms to access different parts of the gym, while defeating trainers along the way.
Start by taking the fourth platform to the north when you enter the gym. Once you’re up, head south and take the platform that descends.

Next, take the platform to the west to ascend to a higher floor. This path is straightforward: use the platforms as they come to advance to the third floor. When you reach the west side, use the next platform to move up.

After crossing the previous platform, take the second platform heading east.

Continue heading east using the platform in front of you, and then follow the narrow pathway south. Use the next platform to move forward.

Turn around and use the platform to head north again. Take the next platform to descend to a lower level.

Finally, descend further using the platform to your west. After you descend, you’ll be ready to face Byron and his team.