Sunken Chests are exciting events on the Roblox: Fisch server that can be a great boon for players. Finding these chests can yield numerous rewards, such as currency, bait, totems, fishing rods, and much more, making them worth your time and effort.
However, many players are on the lookout for these treasures, so it’s essential to have a good strategy for locating Sunken Chests before others do. Luckily, we’ve gathered all the information you need on how to spot Sunken Chests and what treasures you can acquire from them.
How to Find Sunken Chests
Sunken Chests become available on the server every 60 minutes. To catch a glimpse of their location, keep an ear out for global chat notifications. Eventually, a message will alert you about the location of Sunken Chests near one of the islands.
As soon as you see this notification, jump into your boat and head to the island mentioned in the chat. Don’t hesitate—time is of the essence! You need to arrive not only before other players but also before the chests vanish. You have a tight window of ten minutes to make it there.
Once you reach the island, don’t leave your boat just yet. Instead, circle the island to search for wooden debris and Sunken Chests. You could find anywhere from three to five chests in this area, some of which may be of mythic rarity, increasing your chances of scoring rare items.
Here’s a complete list of treasures you could find in Sunken Chests:
- Auric Rod
- Bagel
- Currency
- Garbage
- Loot Rider Boat
- Rapid Catcher
- Shark Head
- Super Flakes
- Treasure Master Title
- Sundial Totem
- Smokescreen Totem
- Tempest Totem
- Meteor Totem
- Eclipse Totem