After visiting the fortune teller in Fantasian: Neo Dimension in Vence, Kina and Cheryl find themselves transported to the Machine Realm by Vam the Malevolent, leaving Leo behind. They must navigate their way through the Junkyard, a vast expanse filled with discarded machines and parts.
With only two members in their party, some encounters in the Junkyard can be challenging. But don’t worry—we’ll guide you through this area, highlighting the locations of important chests and strategies to defeat the Atomecha boss at the end.
Machine Realm – Junkyard Walkthrough
Upon entering the Junkyard, you’ll notice two black terminals next to the save crystal. You can use these to buy and sell items, weapons, and armor. Make sure to stock up before heading down the path to the left.
Since Leo is not with you, you won’t be able to use the Dimengeon in the Junkyard, so be prepared to face every random encounter on your journey.
Before venturing down the winding path to the right, check to the left for a chest containing a Heal Stone, then make your way back to the main path. At the junction, take the right path to discover a ladder. Climb down to find a chest holding the Protocol Ring.
Be sure to equip Cheryl with the Protocol Ring first. This weapon causes extra damage to Machine enemies, which is essential since all foes in the Junkyard are machines.
Return up the ladder to the fork, then take the left path to progress. After a brief scene where Kina and Cheryl discuss a guardian spirit that appeared to protect the Uzra, continue along the path until you find another chest containing 5,000 gold. After looting this chest, keep going to the left.
After another scene, climb up the ladder at the end of the path to arrive at the second location within the Junkyard, the Machine City. Use the save crystal, then move ahead to encounter the two robots from the game’s beginning.
Follow them until you reach a gate, where you will face the Atomecha boss.
Atomecha Boss Guide
The Atomecha is vulnerable to lightning and completely immune to all status effects. It has a Missile Pod and a Laser Gun that can be targeted, both of which are also weak to lightning. Below are the Atomecha’s attacks:
- Slam: Hits a character for about 700 damage.
- Laser: Shoots one character with the Laser Gun for approximately 900 damage.
- Defense Down Missiles: Strikes a character with the Missile Pod, dealing about 800 damage and reducing their defense.
- Roll Crusher: Charges for one turn, then hits the entire party five times for around 300 damage each.
Kina and Cheryl lack lightning-based magic, so your best bet to exploit this weakness is to use Lightning Fragments. It’s advisable for Kina to utilize these, as they inflict 750 damage each.
Your main strategy in this fight should be to eliminate the Missile Pod first to stop the Atomecha from launching its Defense Down Missiles, a move that can significantly increase your party’s damage taken. If you get hit by this attack, use Kina’s Resist to restore your defense.
With the Protocol Ring equipped, Cheryl’s Ice Strike will deal about 1,500 damage, allowing you to defeat either the Missile Pod or Laser Gun in three turns.
After taking out the Laser Gun, the boss will be limited to using its basic Slam attack. However, be cautious of the Roll Crusher, which can hit the party for around 1,500 damage. When the Atomecha begins charging this attack, make sure to heal everyone to at least 1,600 health.
Once you defeat the Atomecha, you can continue your journey through the Machine City.
Machine City Walkthrough
To pass through the locked gate, you’ll need to ride in a cargo box. Before doing that, take the elevator up, then move along the upper path to find a chest containing a Pezzottaite S. After that, head back down and use the second elevator to go down a floor.
Here, move to the left to find a chest with a Potion L, then head back to the right and enter the cargo box to ride across the gate. Once you disembark, you will find the robots from earlier.
Before entering the secret base, there’s a locked Machine Chest located to the right, which you won’t be able to open at this point. Instead, move to the left of the Secret Base and interact with the sparkling spot to collect a Magic Crystal. Now, you can enter the Secret Base and continue the story.
Should You Choose Kina Or Cheryl?
Eventually, after Kina names the robots Prickle and Clicker, Cheryl will ask which one, between her and Kina, makes Prickle and Clicker’s “heart” race. You can choose either character, but the impact of this choice isn’t immediately clear.
The character you select will receive the Robot Ba-Bump passive, which indicates that Prickle and Clicker will treat them nicer. This means that Prickle will prioritize giving barriers to this character at the start of battle, but only after Leo has received buffs, if he’s in the party.
The overall significance of this passive is minor, so feel free to choose your favorite!